5 Ways a Job Management System Can Teach you How to Manage Human Resources Better

Using a job management system is not just a way of making things more efficient. For new entrepreneurs, it also serves as a great way to learn how to manage human resources better. You can learn to become a better personnel manager, supervisor, and planner by being exposed to the use of a job management system.

Briefly discussed below are the ways through which a job management software can help you in developing your skills in better handling your staff, personnel, or all the employees in your company.

Job management system helps better HRM

1. Emphasis on Responsibility

By using a job management software, you become compelled to assign and be clear with the roles of everyone in the business. It’s useless using a job management system if employees don’t do what they are expected to do. As such, you will have to constantly monitor your employees to make sure that they are performing their duties. This may sound tedious but with the help of the job management system, the task significantly becomes easier. As you tune your operations to the set-up or routine configured with the job management system, you become more familiar with the overall flow of tasks.

Most of these systems include an employee scheduling function so you become more acquainted with everybody’s roles so you easily know who is accountable for what.

2. Reasonable Time Allocation

In addition to acquainting a business owner or manager with the roles and responsibilities of personnel and officers, a job management system is also very useful in managing the amount of time tasks are expected to be completed. It can show the actual hours tasks are completed. With this, reasonable estimates as to how much time personnel are expected to be able to deliver on their respective duties. This does not mean, though, that there is no more need to gauge operations based on industry standards or benchmarks.

A specific business operation’s timeline should still be compared to what is prevailing in the industry. The difference, however, is that since you have access to the actual time your people actually get to complete tasks, you can calibrate your expectations as you gradually try to make your employees more efficient.

Of course, tips and guides on time management for small businesses should still be considered but it’s worth noting that having a job management system in place makes the endeavor considerably easier.

3. Favorably Impersonal Handling of Employees

It is a given for managers or supervisors to regularly follow up on their employees’ job completion. However, not many are willing to adopt this kind of routine. Similarly, there are employees who perceive the constant follow-ups as annoying reminders and an indication that their bosses don’t trust them to be able to deliver what they have promised to deliver.

Having a job management system may somewhat make the “following-up process” impersonal as it works well in giving our compulsory reminders to make employees aware of their deadlines and goals. Of course, personal reminders and follow-ups may also be done but with the system involved, there should be no more excuses in having everyone properly informed about the deadlines and job timeline. Responsibilities cannot be denied since everything is easily traceable.

Star Wars job planning meeting
photo credit: Camille Rose / Flickr

4. Reassignments

Because job management systems provide a broad view of the activities in a business, it becomes easier to implement changes or reassignments whenever and wherever necessary and possible. There are instances when tasks can be done with the help of other employees in another project whose deadline is not as close as the one for an urgent project. With a job management system, it will be easy to find these employees for reassignment and have the process well-documented to make sure that the changes made are not going to result into a mess.

Many job management systems integrate a CPM analysis function to make all of these easier.

5. Automation of Certain Processes

Job management systems also support the automation of certain processes that don’t require human decision making. They can automatically perform certain processes upon a trigger point or after the completion of a preceding step. There are also those that integrate business tools to automatically processed data obtained from transactions. WorkflowMax, for example, integrates Xero Accounting so invoices can be instantly reflected in the accounting records or payments are easily confirmed.

Automation helps in enabling better human resource management because it allows business owners or managers to put human resources to more important use. Instead of doing repetitive routines that don’t require any thoughtful decision making, employees can be assigned to creative or more important tasks. This is a boon not only for business operations efficiency, but also for employees themselves as they get to handle more challenging tasks.

There are benefits in using a job management system or a workflow management platform in general even for newbie entrepreneurs or small business owners. You just need to learn to appreciate that there are many learning opportunities even in the act of using a software or platform that supposedly makes things easier for you.