Get Your LinkedIn Page Generating the Buzz You Want

If you’re in business in today’s world, you underestimate the power of social media at your own peril. While there are multiple platforms on which a business can promote itself, LinkedIn continues to ride at the top of the wave of popularity. With worldwide members numbering over 259 million, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for a business to market itself, especially for those in the business-to-business industry.

Businessman using LinkedIn app

Just having a LinkedIn company page is not enough, however. Like anything else in life, if neglected, a corporate LinkedIn page won’t fulfill its potential as a mechanism for helping your business succeed. An optimized LinkedIn company page can attract attention and traffic to your business’ services and products. Take the time to learn a few of the ins and outs of setting up a successful LinkedIn presence.

To get you started, here are a few tips to help you make certain your LinkedIn page generates the buzz you need to succeed:

Beef Up Your Banner Image

The first thing a visitor to your page will see is your cover photo. This is not the place for a selfie of you and that fish you caught two years ago. Your page should reflect the professionalism that customers can expect from your business.

Design a professional image that showcases what is unique about your company. Don’t be afraid to show off your business’s personality and goals—you want to make sure your cover photo represents your brand.

Update, Update, Then Update Again

Social media, by its very definition, will not function if the participants are not social. To keep your page interesting and dynamic, post engaging content and do it regularly. Use a variety of posts, from blogs to press releases, including company updates and announcements of special events. Make sure you’re giving your audience interesting, relevant, helpful information. Use the platform to keep followers informed about your company as well as your industry in general.

This business page is a great example of regular, varied and relevant postings that keep followers coming back.

Prospect Mortgage LLC LinkedIn business page screenshot

Use Those Tabs to Your Advantage

You can showcase the services you offer or your current lineup of products on your Products and Services page. Here, you can also include your website, add a link to customer recommendations and give contact information for a company representative. These features will encourage readers to interact with your business. Your products tab can be an invaluable place for generating leads.

Pull It All Together

By creating and using a Careers tab, you can capture traffic from potential customers who use the site for job searching. You can help your business stand out in the crowd with a section of recommendations from current as well as past employees. You can also sync your Twitter accounts and blogs to your LinkedIn company page, which goes a long way toward keeping your page fresh and followers engaging with each other.

Joining and linking up with industry-relevant groups on LinkedIn and other social websites will increase your company’s visibility with colleagues and potential customers. As an administrator for your page, you’ll be able to see the traffic data below your updates; this will help you isolate the types of posts that best generate engagement with your page.

By making use of these simple tips and tricks, you’ll ensure that your company’s presence on LinkedIn and other social sites can garner the buzz you need to boost your business to the next level.