6 Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make In Positioning Their Brands

Brand positioning is a common term used by managers when talking about increasing the productivity of an organisation. The goal of brand positioning should be to base all customer activities to the definition of a brand. It is all about categorising your brand. The way you present yourself should let customers know what your brand means, what they can do with it, and why they should choose it over others.

Many think of brand techniques such as social media campaigns, pavement signs, and a-frame, and other approaches as the deal-breakers when it comes to brand positioning. However, this is not the case. Here is a look at the common errors many managers make when positioning their brands.

Apple Inc. brand positioning

1. Mixing Business Positioning with Brand Positioning

While business positioning is all about how you will fund your business operations and how to distribute, and other details about running your business, brand positioning is about telling your customers what you are all about. Many companies err by including things that do not matter to the customer during their brand positioning efforts.

Focus on what makes sense to the customer and what helps them understand your brand better.

2. Cutting Out Your Potential Consumers In the Process

Determining how to fit your brand into a category in your potential customer’s mind is quite a hassle. Leaving your potential target market out of the process can be a costly mistake. You need to conduct some market research to help you analyse your potential client’s sentiments and preferences.

With the consumer expectations in mind, you will be able to gauge your options and determine the best way to position your brand.

3. An Inaccurate Definition of Your Business Problem

Defining a problem accurately sets you on the right track towards solving it. Many managers fail in their brand positioning efforts because they fail to identify their business problems. Problem statements are open to different interpretations and are analyzed depending on the context.

The secret to an accurate definition of your problem is determining the objective.

Brand strategic meeting

4. Lack of Divergent Perspectives

When managers overlook divergent perspectives, they are accused of basing their strategies on the “Drunkard’s search.” This bias arises when managers search for a solution where it is obvious or easier to find. When entrepreneurs or managers base their frameworks and models on what is working for others or what has worked in the past, this behaviour is quite limiting. These decision-makers tend to overlook other perspectives that could help find a solution to a business problem.

Brand purpose and cultural branding techniques are typical examples of how decision-makers can be blinded to alternatives and stick to standard procedures. While these techniques may work in some contexts, they may fail to work in others.

It is often better to pursue and consider other perspectives to ensure no stone is left unturned.

5. Failing to Consider The Competition

Many managers fail to factor the competition when conducting a SWOT analysis. When looking at the strengths and weaknesses of a company, it is smart for the manager to compare their condition with the competition. This is how you will be able to determine whether you have the edge over your competition on certain factors or are lagging behind in other elements.

Make sure you look at your competition when starting a brand differentiation strategy. This will help you find a gap in your consumer’s mind that you will be able to exploit.

6. Adopting a Cheap Strategy

One thing about adopting cheap strategies is that they are not sustainable in the long run. When you choose a policy of using the lowest prices, you hardly need any marketing, all you require is buying power. However, you will always find a competitor who will be selling for less.

Using the lowest priced route can be your quickest way to failure. You need to delay your launch till you find a stronger competitive advantage.

Summing It Up

Brand positioning is not an activity that should be taken lightly. Frequently, entrepreneurs and managers overlook the potential of this process in making or breaking their business.

When it comes to positioning your brand, you need to make sure you do not mix this process with other means. Additionally, you need to define your problem accurately, involve your target market, factor your competition into your decisions, and consider different options. Furthermore, avoid taking the low-cost route and instead base your approach on definite competitive advantage.