When seeking guidance, we want advice to come from those who have been where we are. Hearing others share how they’ve overcome obstacles encourages us to continue on after we hit a bump in the road. Radio has proven to be one of the most successful forums for a new message about entrepreneurship to spread.

A Different Voice
Radio shows allow business owners to expand and reach a far larger audience than before. They also enable us to share a message of optimism and hope to other entrepreneurs. Contrary to everything we hear in the media, there are individuals who are overcoming all sorts of adversity in order to reach their goals and achieve their dreams. Unfortunately, these success stories aren’t the ones that the media chooses to focus on. I wanted to provide people with inspirational information based on the real successes of entrepreneurs, rather than a strategic move for the business or myself. This is what led me to radio.
My show features interviews with successful entrepreneurs, as well as talks with those who are on their way up. By providing a source of inspiration, I hope to help people overcome the challenges that most entrepreneurs face on a daily basis.
When focusing on the content of the show, you must think about what will engage your listeners. Instead of choosing the content of my show based on what I want to talk about, I look for what will make for the most interesting listening experience. Imagine the knowledge that entrepreneurs can share when it comes to:
- Facing adversity while bringing their dreams to fruition;
- Dealing with naysayers who have advised them to “just go get a job,” or
- Encountering bankers and bureaucrats who have told them their business plans don’t make sense.
These individuals have persevered through all of it and made a success of their business. By having my guests tell their stories, our listeners share in their learning experiences. My guests share great strategic visions, and they make sure to put it in the context of real-life experience so everyone can relate.
One of the greatest things about hosting a radio show is the fact that I get to interview a lot of very interesting individuals. When listeners hear great entrepreneurs speak about the struggles they’ve endured and overcome, they’re immediately filled with hope and confidence about their own situations.
By having this type of contact with successful entrepreneurs, you are bound to develop great connections with people; in turn, these will help your clients and prospects. I often make introductions between one of my guests and a client, and then watch as that relationship develops to help everyone involved.
Is Radio for You?
As an only child, I moved around a lot with my family. My dad worked for an oil company, and we moved every two or three years. I am a natural extrovert, and I have always made friends easily. Therefore, hosting a radio show seemed to play well with my outgoing personality. Every guest on my show is a friend I haven’t met yet, and every interview is an opportunity to get to know someone’s story.
For someone who is more of an introvert, I would imagine that hosting a radio show would constantly dredge up one’s dislike or discomfort with meeting new people. However, you can turn this around and look at it as a positive. It could actually lead to developing more confidence in speaking with strangers and asking them questions.
If you are looking to start your own radio show, ask yourself, “Do I really enjoy talking to people and listening to their stories?” If you are happier dealing with abstract concepts and technical issues, then perhaps being a radio show host isn’t for you.
When it comes to radio or anything else, I’ve found that coming into any endeavor from a position of service – rather than a position of self-interest – always seems to create better results. If you can let go and just do certain things because they help others and make the world a better place, then radio may be a valuable forum for you to explore.
About the Author: Dush Ramachandran is the founder and CEO of The Net Momentum. Dush was most recently Vice President of Sales and Business Development at ClickBank, the world’s largest retailer of digitally downloadable products. During his six-year tenure at ClickBlank, he was responsible for growing revenues of the company significantly and making it the digital product powerhouse it is today, mainly through building strong and trusting relationships with the largest affiliates and vendors in the industry.