When the average person thinks of an entrepreneur, he or she thinks of a self employed businessperson who works at home or a personal office. While many entrepreneurs make their money via the Internet, there are in fact some extremely dangerous yet very exciting entrepreneurial jobs that a person may want to consider. The following are some unique, daring career options for those who would rather be self employed than work for a business entity or government body.

Flying a plane can be a lot of fun and there are self employed pilots who offer chartered flights to individuals or groups, fly over crops to spray fields with pesticide, and/or transport cargo from one place to another. However, it should be noted that piloting is one of the top ten most dangerous jobs in the United States, as bad weather, engine malfunctions, and human error can and do regularly cause serious accidents that even experienced pilots are unable to avoid.
Construction work in general can be dangerous, but putting a new roof on a home, repairing a roof, or installing solar roofing panels are some of the most dangerous construction jobs for an entrepreneur to get involved in. It is all too easy to slip and fall off a roof and the result is usually serious injury or death.
Recycling Collecting
Those who know what they are doing can earn good money by recycling items. Large, metal items simply need to be collected and transported to a nearby junkyard and such items are not hard to find. However, many people who get involved in this line of work are injured, mainly due to lacerations but also in part because of traffic accidents.
Truck Driving
While many truck drivers work for a company or business entity, there are some self-employed drivers who own their own truck and choose which companies they want to work for. Being a self-employed driver does have its perks, but it is just as dangerous as driving a truck for a corporation or business entity. Mechanical problems, long driving hours, a heavy load that has not been secured properly, and other problems can cause serious accidents. Because trucks are much larger than cars, vans and even RVs, a truck driver who gets in an accident will usually end up badly hurt and nearly 700 truckers die every year in the United States alone due to vehicular on the job accidents.
Dog Training
An animal lover who wants to be self-employed could consider training dogs. There are literally hundreds of thousands of pet lovers who do not know how to properly train a dog. However, dog training is a risky profession, as many untrained dogs end up biting, scratching, or otherwise harming their trainers. Those who go into this line of work should do so with care and be sure to take precautions in order to prevent injury or having to get a shot.
Naturally, there are other self-employed career options that are also quite dangerous; this short list is just a sample of some of the least safe entrepreneurial options available. However, those who do not enjoy working behind a desk may find that these dangerous options listed above are not entirely bad. In fact, the more dangerous a job is, the more potentially lucrative it could be. Those who are considering a less than safe career choice should do careful research, take precautions, and invest in the right type of insurance. Individuals should not completely avoid a particular type of work simply because there are some risks involved.
Author Bio: Joshua Turner is a writer who creates descriptive articles relating to business. This article explains a few interesting jobs of daring individuals and aims to encourage further study with an emergency management degree online.