With recent statistics showing that more people than ever now own and regularly use a mobile phone, it is no wonder that the mobile marketing industry is stronger than ever.
Latest figures show that 50 per cent of businesses with more than 1,000 people are now using mobile in their marketing mix. This is set to soar over the next twelve months, as more companies realise the benefit it can bring to their businesses.

How many businesses are currently using mobile marketing?
Recent research has found that overall, 39 per cent of businesses are using mobile as part of an integrated marketing strategy and that a quarter of businesses will intend to use it in their marketing mix over the next 12 months. Only 16 per cent of businesses claimed that they don’t intend to include it in their marketing plans for the foreseeable future.
Uptake is expected to increase – by next year, 85 per cent of businesses are predicted to include it in their plans. This may be due to the fact that 11 per cent of businesses already claim that mobile in their most effective marketing channel. A further 11 per cent also expect that mobile marketing will become their most effective marketing channel in the future.
What are the business benefits of mobile marketing?
It is plain to see that mobile marketing is becoming more popular than ever in business, but what are the reasons behind this? Many marketers are finding that mobile marketing is bringing much quicker results than traditional methods, because mobile phone users see the content as soon as the message is sent, even if the device is in standby mode. This means that ‘limited offers’ can be used by companies.
Content sent on mobile devices can also be much cheaper and simpler than those designed for desktops or laptops, whether it is text, images or video, which can help to save time and money.
Other benefits include the fact that messages sent can be highly personalised, meaning companies can have more of a direct connection with the user and responses can be tracked almost immediately.
What strategies are businesses using for mobile marketing?
Research shows that opt-in is by far the most favoured mobile strategy for businesses across the UK, with over half (55 per cent) of them stating that they use the technique and an additional 10 per cent of firms claiming that they have an opt-in database for picture messaging and third-party services.
It has also been claimed that there are nearly twice as many UK firms using opt-in mobile marketing than those who have launched a mobile site (33.2 per cent). Only 20 per cent of businesses have created an app also, which may surprise some, considering that there has been quite a lot of excitement around apps in recent years.
As well these three main strategies, there are also other options that businesses are using, such as QR codes on printed marketing material and short codes.
What information are businesses collecting?
According to recent statistics, a quarter of businesses now have information on age, gender, location and preferences, with 16 per cent of companies adapting their databases so that this information is captured. Thirteen per cent of businesses have also asked a number of questions during the opt-in process and five per cent ask about certain likes and dislikes, recording these in the database.
How is information being used in the marketing mix?
The majority (51.4 per cent) of businesses are segmenting the information collected as part of their database dependent on separate campaigns. Thirty-one per cent are also segmenting information into location, 21 per cent by demographics, 18 per cent by the opt-in service and 17 per cent by previous campaigns. Ten per cent are segmenting their information by gender, whilst just 21 per cent of businesses don’t segment their database at all.
The future of the mobile marketing mix
The above statistics show just what an evolving market the mobile marketing mix is and that businesses are just starting to realise the potential it can provide to a business. Structures and technologies are capable enough, so it is now just down to marketers and how imaginative they can get with their own mobile marketing mix.
About the Author: This article is written by Rob Townsend, Marketing & Communications Director, www.Textlocal.com
A seasoned strategist, Rob has over 18 years’ experience in creating and implementing national/international marketing campaigns. A well-known speaker in the mobile marketing sector, Rob has also successfully executed major change programmes and held numerous board positions – notably with the AMP and the Government Procurement Service (central government). Having worked with the likes of Sass, the Home Group and the Direct Marketing Group, Rob’s knowledge/skills span many business and consumer markets. His past achievements include developing the infamous nodding dog for Churchill and rebranding Midland to HSBC. In his current role as Marketing & Communications Director for Text Local, you’ll find Rob brainstorming innovative ideas in an energetic, passionate manner.