Everyone who is a business owner aspires to establish themselves, their products/services as preferred brands. If you are looking to make inroads in to business there is truly nothing better than a made to order or one of a kind product/service that will help you make your mark.
Here are 5 reasons why the made to order business wagon is one ride you should take…
There is a made to order market to serve
Believe it or not “exclusive” is in. There is nothing more alluring than the prestige of owning a one-of-a-kind product. The made to order business though briefly over shadowed by standardized, mass produced goods is now emerging as a niche area all over again that too with renewed vigor.
Though one of a kind goods are not everyone’s cup of tea there is a section of people who want something different and are willing to pay the price for it. Who wants a pair of boring sneakers when you can get your cityscape hand painted on to them?
From made to order outfits, bags, luggage, stationary, footwear, jewelry, cars, gifts and tailor made holidays the list of possibilities for the made to order business is truly endless. It is all about finding a gap in the market that you/your products/services can fill in.
It is about you & what you do best
The key to success in a made to order business is “you” (the business owner) and what you do best. Whether it is shooting a portfolio for a client who is camera shy, designing an outfit for a client on the condition that you will not repeat the design or decorating someone’s home with recycled products, the made to order business you choose to do should be a venture that allows you to stand out as the brand. People opt for one of kind product/service providers because “only you” can give them that particular brand of sheer exclusivity.
The market for standardized goods is already intensely competitive which is why establishing yourself in an already crowded market would be difficult. On the other hand the made to order business is one where you as a business owner will always service a niche market. You will establish and retain your identity as “the only” or “one of the few” only providers of a certain product/service. That way you will have little or negligible competition which is good isn’t it? It gives you more time and energy to devote to building your brand instead of fending off competition.
It’s a great business strategy
Differentiation and positioning are key elements of the marketing armory of a business venture. Selling a made to order product makes these two things that much simpler.
A strategy is a competitive plan that aims at telling people why you/your products are better/the preferred ones. When you deal in a made to order product, you are probably the only person who can give customers “that” particular product which is why you and your business will stand out.
People look for you
A made to order business is a much sought after one. People come looking for you instead of the other way round. That means you don’t have to work very hard on looking for clientele (at least once the word gets around, to begin with of course you may have to create some visibility).

Customers will seek you out simply because you can give them, say, that spicy holiday across India that foodies hitherto only dreamt of or your blueberry cheesecake is like no other or your vegan fare is delicious and innovative.
More and more people are willing to pay the price for exclusivity so what are you waiting for? Hop on to the made to order business wagon!