When it comes to a business idea you need something that’s different enough to get noticed but fits a niche or need to become successful. Here are five business ideas you’ve probably never thought about:
1. Grow and sell fresh homemade veg

More and more people are calling for fresh, pesticide free vegetables to serve up with dinner these days so if you have green fingers and an allotment or a greenhouse they could be put to good use growing delicious veg you can sell in the local area.
Look into high quality seeds before you begin planting, consider looking to seed technology, which could improve the growth of your vegetables, their yield and resistance to disease. You could even specialise in more exotic varieties of vegetables, try growing cucamelons, oca and white strawberries to target a different type of market.
2. Run your own chicken coop
With the chicken farming industry constantly under attack for the mistreatment of hens, people are looking for local businesses who can provide high quality, cruelty free eggs from happy hens. Keeping chickens is a rewarding experience, as you care for a brood ensuring they are well fed and watered and have enough space to roam around.
A good coup will have hens who lay two eggs on average each day which you can collect and sell locally. Here’s a great guide to keeping chickens for beginners, because this is the most important aspect of the business you need to contend with first.
3. Doggy daycare

Do you have a large home, a big back garden and a great love of all furry animals? Then a doggy daycare business could be that dream job you’ve never thought about and one that brings in plenty of cash.
More and more people are working longer hours and leaving their furry babies home alone all day so a doggy nursery they can drop their pets off at is a great option. Alternatively, you could look into becoming a dog walker. Apparently this can earn you £64,000 in the UK, but you must be insured, have been training in managing animals and get checked for criminal convictions because you need the keys to enter people’s homes.
4. Car valeting
Ever considered travelling around your local area, ensuring client’s cars are spic and span for a price? No? Well, car valeting might just be your ticket to success in the world of business. Hand car washes are a popular notion in the UK but many people would prefer someone who comes to them and who they can instruct when it comes to where to clean and what needs special treatment.
You will need a high quality vacuum and a full professional cleaning kit, as well as access to running water, but it’s a business that’s easy to market to the busy (slightly lazy) car owner via social media and traditional marketing with flyers and business cards.
When considering a business idea that fits for you, think about what you’re passionate about. Running your own company should make you want to wake up in the morning and exclaim, ‘I love my job!’ not hide under the covers and wish it was the weekend (bear in mind that for a small business owner weekends are also included within the working week.)
Running your own business means freedom to work your own hours but it also takes a lot of work to get it off the ground initially; consider these great business ideas and come up with your own and join the other 5.2million SMEs in the UK.