Game of Thrones – unless you live under a rock (like I do when it comes to TV series,) you already know that it’s an uber-popular fantasy drama adapted from fantasy novel series written by Geroge R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire. It’s already the sixth season this year.
I think one of Game of Thrones’ interesting features – other than predicting who’s going to sit on the Iron throne – is its list of characters – there are dozens of them, and each of them has an interesting background story. In my opinion, the uniqueness of every character is what makes GoT successful to date.

Perhaps it’s typical, but my favorite character is always Tyrion Lannister a.k.a. “The imp.” He’s very smart and cunning, and as others always – I mean, always – underestimate him, he’s smart enough to use the whole situation to his advantage.
Pretty cool, right? “But what’s the relevance of Tyrion and GoT here?” you ask.
Okay, fair enough; so, I don’t know how these guys pull it off, but the guys at Agile CRM have identified the similarities of some of the most popular GoT characters with the roles in a marketing team. I don’ know what about you, but I find the similarities quite striking and obvious.
Just check out this infographic and see for your self:
Okay, it happens to be that my favorite character is the CMO of a marketing team: Knows things, everything. The infographic says: “The one who knows everything about marketing and make strategis that will work.” Pretty self-explanatory.
From the explanation in the infographic, we have noted the following takeaways:
- Don’t be Khal Drogo. He married Daenerys Targaryen, and he died. Khal is cold calling in marketing, and Daenerys is similar to digital marketing. Got it?
- Jon Snow met Ygritte, and things changed. Just like when a copywriter met a content marketer: Things changed – collaboration FTW.
- If you are a small business wanting to get serious about digital marketing, the least you can do is hiring Cersei Lannister, Varys, Margaery Tyrell, Arya Stark. If you have more on your budget, hire Missandei and Grey Worm.
- Want to build a solid and complete marketing agency? You have to have: CEO (or principal or any other titles you want,) GM (or team leader or what have you,) Creative Manager, Web Designer, Email Marketing Manager, Social Media Strategist, SEO Manager, Content Manager, PR and Analyst (a.k.a. The rookie employee.) You may want to cut one or two off your organizational chart depending on your need, though.
Now over to you: What’s your favorite GoT character? In relation to that, what’s your favorite role in a marketing team?