How to do a background Check for Your Employee

If you own a business you are probably already aware about the importance of your employees. If you surround yourself with trustworthy, hardworking people, profit will definitely appear. However, in order to hire these people, you will need to hire them first.

It is not simple to hire the best persons, because everyone is painting a perfect picture during the interviews. However, there is one way to make sure that you choose the perfect candidates: background check.

Employer doing background check

Why you do a background check?

Background checks are important because they reveal all the important information about someone. If you want to make sure that your candidates’ resumes are real, a background check can help you do that. Additionally, there are many ways to do background checks and today we will talk about some of them.

What do you need?

If you want to do a background check, you will need certain information. You must know the full name of the candidate, as well as the date of birth and the social security number.

Legal advice

Before you do a background check you need to make sure that you know your limits. For example, certain states have laws that don’t allow you to gather certain information. Therefore, you need to educate yourself when it comes to the legal context. You should also know that laws are different for every state and region. For example, in some states employers are not allowed to use background checks against an employee.

Discuss with the candidates

While background checks will reveal everything about a person, you shouldn’t judge too quickly. Talk with the candidates and offer them a chance to discuss your findings. For example, there might be situations where the background check offers some incorrect information. You will need to make sure that there weren’t any mistakes. Additionally, a candidate can have a good excuse for any of the things done in the past.

Discussing background checks with an employee

Permission from the employee

If you want to use an outside company for your background check you will need the permission of the employee. Things change if you have a reasonable request. In that case, if your employee denies permission you are allowed legally to remove that candidate.

Background check services

There are certain background check services out there. However, if you pick one, you will need to make sure that is approved by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The FCRA governs almost all background checks.

Search engines

If you do not need a complex background check, then search engines work just as well. People search is something that you can do even on Google. Just google the name of a person and numerous results will show up.

Things you check

During a background check you take a look at certain things. Criminal record is one of the first ones. You need to know the criminal history of your candidate. The previous addresses of the candidates are also discovered during the background check.