10 Ways to Make Your Business be More Global This Year

Today it’s time to start thinking beyond the borders of your native country when it comes to business. The key to a true runaway success lies in figuring out the formula to create a fully global business model.

A global business means more customers, more profits, and more awareness of your brand’s identity. It also means making more of an impact on people around the world.

Global business team

Here are 10 ways you can make your business be more global in 2019.

1. Social Media

The most important tool for a global business is the internet. Online social media rules for companies that want to expand beyond their borders. Creating good content on your social media platforms can help get your name out and reach customers around the world. So, the first thing you need to do is master the art of using the most popular social media platforms and international media.

2. Target Areas

Another way you can go more global this year is to focus on specific target geographic markets to reach. Instead of looking towards a generic international expansion, focus on individual countries or regions to start with. The fact is each region may have its own unique needs and strategies that work best if you’re trying to make a name for yourself there.

3. Diversity

Next, it’s important to model diversity within your company. If your employee lineup doesn’t reflect an international viewpoint, you may need to seek out new hires. Look for people with diverse backgrounds in a variety of cultures to help master the global viewpoint. People with unique voices and an appreciation for all things global could benefit your vision.

4. World News

It’s also wise to keep up on news and events going on around the world. You may want to become an international affairs expert before you consider pushing your business to go global.

Profits and business are impacted by events such as natural disasters, political unrest, elections, and violence that may be happening in different parts of the world. Ignorance about these issues may prevent you from ever finding success globally.

5. Cultural Knowledge

You also should know about the culture beyond your own if you want to make a global impact. Focus on learning about cultural norms, foods, etiquette, manners, and other idiosyncrasies to determine potential problems in your marketing campaigns. One message that works in your country may not necessarily work in a completely different part of the world.

World of Coca-Cola
photo credit: Carolina Rojas (Moon) / Flickr

6. Changes to Products and Services

Adjusting your products or services may also be necessary if you want to be successful in the global market. Products and services are designed to fulfill a need or provide some sort of benefit. Some cultures may not have the same needs as your home country‘s culture. Or, they may not see the benefit that your products or services offer. Focus on fulfilling the local population‘s needs and providing them benefits to find success.

7. Local Experts

You should also attempt to partner with local people in your target geographic region. These local experts can help you navigate the ins and outs of doing business in a foreign country. They can bring up issues you may not have thought of and help look for opportunities that may be waiting for you.

8. Examples of Success

It’s also helpful to find real-life examples of people who have also found success in your industry across the world. Look at how global marketing ideas have spread within your field. Additionally, do research on successful international executives, such as Sjamsul Nursalim, to see how they got started and were able to expand their wealth and business ideas through different regions.  You can find details about the most successful global business leaders through biographies, websites, and news articles about their stories.

9. Currency Exchange Understanding

Being successful in a variety of regions across the globe also requires some understanding of how international currencies work. In many cases, your headquarters would be based in your home country, and your sources of income may be coming in from other regions where the currency is different.

Some business leaders lose money through bad currency exchanges. You’ll need to research and develop a strategy that helps you keep your profits and avoid paying most of your income in currency exchange fees and import or export taxes.

Business team travelling by train

10. A Love of Adventure

The last thing to help you be effective when developing a global business strategy is an adventurous attitude. If you don’t have a love and a passion for the places you want to expand into, you may struggle. Start growing your passion by embarking on your own adventures through travel. Explore new places to get even more ideas about where else your company could expand. This way, you’ll always be ready for new adventures.

The world of global business is tricky but exciting for those who master the strategies and use the right resources. If you want to take your profits higher than you dreamed of, this is the future of business.