Can AI Effectively Reduce Human Error In The Workplace?

Humans make mistakes. It’s inevitable. Someone will miscalculate a statistic or type in the wrong name into a report. Most of the time, these types of errors will pass by without causing a stir, but there will be tasks where the smallest problems can immediately throw a wrench into project plans. Businesses can avoid this by investing in artificial intelligence.

Bored employee can benefit from AI

It’s Not Just Human Error. It’s Boredom, Too.

Introducing artificial intelligence into the workplace does more than eliminate the risk of human error — it reduces the consequences of employee disengagement and boredom. Many tasks that can be better performed by AI are tedious but require intense concentration for precise results.

Think about data analysis for digital marketing teams. Reading through metrics every day can be a real slog for employees. That’s why businesses can turn to a website like Morphio to undertake the burden, without worrying about factors like human error or boredom affecting results.

Morphio is an AI-driven prediction platform designed to pull metrics from online digital marketing campaigns, analyze the findings and deliver insights that will help businesses reach their goals. The goals could be anything from increasing website clicks to beating out competitors in search rankings.

If you want to add AI to your marketing forecasts and eliminate the risks of unenthusiastic employees at your business, take a look at the features that this lightweight enterprise software has to offer. You can begin with a freemium model for the first fourteen days.

What About Job Loss?

Critics will point out that using tech to do a job previously completed by humans is punishing employees and taking away work opportunities. In some cases, companies could lay-off staff members and replace them with automated tools for the sake of high productivity and low costs.

unemployed businessman

This worst-case scenario isn’t possible for every type of company. Many businesses still need staff members to accomplish tasks that AI can’t achieve, like cultivating important business relationships or brainstorming ideas. AI opens up more opportunities for employees to do these “human” tasks.

Tech Has Proven Helpful for Businesses in the Past

Fearmongering about tech improvements will always be there. When ATMs were added to banks, people panicked that there would be no more need for bank tellers. Years later, banks still have human employees. If anything, the number of bank tellers rose after the implementation of ATMs because the costs saved from the tech made it easier to open more bank branches.

It’s all a matter of perspective. Bank tellers don’t deposit and withdraw money for clients as much because ATMs can do that at any time of day. But they’re still required for many other things, including helping customers with problems that can’t be easily tackled by tech.

Dull, data-driven tasks are better-suited for AI. Employees are good for creativity, communication and problem-solving. Businesses would be better off using tech to eliminate human error and boredom. The task change isn’t a demotion — it’s a shift in priorities that will benefit employers and employees, alike.