4 Tips For Creating Exciting And Interesting Content For Your Legal Marketing Strategy

Are you running a law firm or someone who’s a marketer for a law firm? Your biggest challenge is very well be marketing. Fortunately, there is one way you should focus upon: Content marketing. The big question is: How can you add flair to your next legal article or post to make it stand out and attract readers’ attention? Read on.

1. Start by adding animated Gifs to your posts

Some of the highest content engagement rates on the web come from blog posts and articles which embed descriptive Gifs. Readers can more quickly and readily digest your main point. Adding a Gif also helps to increase the popularity of your content overall. You can use them to quickly explain complex information, visually showing a responsive website, show step-by-step instructions, or to capture web animations.

Asking a digital agency to create Gifs for your articles is a great way to enhance reader comprehension and make things more engaging. Of course, you need to be very careful with their use when it comes to marketing for legal purposes, as you need to ensure they are appropriate.

2. Next, try adding/embedding full videos in your blog posts

Adding responsive video content to blog posts is a great way to make it more personable and educational. Showing your voice or face in a video builds a greater degree of trust between you and your readers and helps to make you a more credible expert in your field. Talk to your law firm marketing agency about embedding videos on your blog today.

3. Add higher resolution and HD images and videos to your website

An unforgettable image can add a lot of value to how readers perceive your content. This can be challenging as you need to compress the images enough to preserve fast page load times whilst retaining the quality of the images.

Specialist software is often needed to achieve the right balance. You may also want to consider switching to a different free web host in order to speed up your site.

Law content creator

4. Creating The Perfect Legal Blog With Outside Help

The best legal marketing companies out there provide a range of services to suit your needs. So, if you have a team of skilled wordsmiths, but lack the technical skills, this is where your SEO consultant would fit into your team They are also credited for giving these additional tips that you might need along the way.

As you set up your blog, your web design team will give you advice on aspects such as your blog header, your background, and your colour scheme.

These may seem like small things but choosing a colour scheme that makes the text hard to read is the quickest way to lose visitors. The same is true of your background, it needs to be clean and crisp, and certainly not busy, flashing or animated. The choices you make here will reflect on your business or organisation.

Don’t forget to make your blog feel personal by adding a picture and a short profile. You want to reach out to the hearts and minds of your readers and it helps if they can put a face to the words. Also, remember, as with your legal website, to ensure that everything is well organised and labelled.