If you love what you do, you’ll want to keep reading. This list is for anyone who’s new to a job, loves their current job, or feels they might be on thin ice with their employer. You may be a victim of these six habits and not even know it! Things like smoking and being negative don’t seem like job-ending habits, but they most certainly can be.

Unfortunately, bad habits are much easier to fall into than good ones, and much more difficult to break. Something like smoking can take months to leave behind, even with the help of all the fancy products out there like Black Buffalo tobaccoless chew.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the worst habits you can fall into that jeopardize your job and even your personal life on some level.
1. Smoking
Smoking is a habit – that’s why quitting is difficult for some people. The problem with smokers is that non-smokers don’t even want to be around. Second-hand smoke doesn’t just smell awful, it’s also harmful to non-smokers. Workplaces can be held liable for complications that develop from second-hand smoke if they allow it in the workplace, thus making it a financial responsibility to disallow the practice on company grounds.
Smoking is unhygienic, as well. The smoke sticks to everything, and, try as you might, no amount of washing or popping breath mints throughout the day will fully remove the smell. You’ll carry it with you to meetings, pitches, and important client updates. That’s not exactly a good first impression, is it?
Most employers are looking to hire non-smokers for the sake of liability and the reduced cost. Smokers often take more (and longer) breaks throughout the day, take more time off, and have much higher healthcare costs.
2. Avoiding Responsibility
If you’re someone that avoids responsibility and passes it off to someone else, there’s a good chance you won’t keep any job very long. Not only does this earn you the disdain of your co-workers, but it also makes you look bad in front of management. When something is your fault, the best thing to do is just own up to it. You’ll always find more trouble and complications when you lie/brush things off.
We’ve all had experience with this type of co-worker; the one who never takes responsibility for his role in the team’s issues or even his own mistakes. It’s exhausting to continually expect a person to take responsibility for themselves, only to see them brush it off time and time again. This kind of attitude is doesn’t have a place in a happy, healthy, productive team.
3. Tardiness
Why does being on time matter so much? When you’re late for work, or anything for that matter, you’re setting up a reputation for being undependable. At work, this can cause friction within your team or your supervisors. You were hired to show up at 6 am every morning; waltzing in at 6:15 just makes it seem like you don’t care about your position.
Being on time portrays an important sense of responsibility about you. People will know they can depend on you, and people who are on time are often much more productive. If you’re always late, it’s time to buckle down and start being on time every time.
4. Not Getting Enough Sleep
Did you know that sleep deprivation can seriously impact work performance? Nearly half of all Americans report that they either don’t get enough sleep or they don’t sleep through the night, which means a large portion of the workforce could potentially be suffering from sleep deprivation. When you don’t get enough sleep, you doze throughout the day, you can’t focus, and productivity takes a serious nose-dive as you attempt to stay awake via an endless stream of caffeine.
It’s important to maintain a healthy sleep schedule so you don’t fall behind on your rest. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, and make sure you’re getting at least 6-8 hours of good sleep every night. This might mean turning off all electronics before bed!
5. Negativity
There’s been a serious focus on workplace culture in recent decades, and it’s made the modern workplace a much more positive, uplifting, team-oriented, inclusive space (at least in progressive businesses who are aware of these things). We’ve all dealt with a “negative nancy” at work, but having someone who’s constantly negative can bring everyone down.
Imagine trying to work throughout the week, but the guy one cubicle over does nothing but complain all week long. Everything sucks, the job sucks, the project sucks, he doesn’t like the weather, his wife left him, his dog died, everything is awful. After long enough, you begin to feel like maybe everything is awful. Moods are contagious. Don’t be the bad mood at the office.
6. Not Being A Team Player
Being a team player is usually one of the top requirements for any job. You’ll be working with other people, and if you can’t function in a team setting, you certainly won’t thrive, and could end up losing the job altogether. People that don’t play well with others often attempt the “lone-wolf” approach, which further alienates them from the rest of the team.
Being a part of a team is a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow from the people around you. If you can’t function in a team setting, try signing up for a team sport in your local community center to learn more about team-building.