It may be time for you to breathe some new life into your business. If sales are dropping or simply just not increasing, or you’ve noticed nothing new is coming from your efforts, it may be that your business is stale and needs a refresh.
Here, we’ll talk you through a few quick ways that you can freshen up your business to boost sales and motivation.

How Do You Know When Your Business is Stale?
After a business has been running for a while, that young business fire tends to dim. The energy and adrenaline that comes with building a business can become stagnant, especially when sales may not have grown as much as you’d originally hoped. Alternatively, your business may have already achieved a good level of success but have been stuck at the same level with the same routine that can cause a lack of imagination and a, well, ‘stale’ business.
If you’re feeling like your business has become stuck in its place, here are some quick ways you can get back on track.
Update Your Branding
If your business has been around for a long time, updating your logo and branding that is more up-to-date with current consumer trends can make your brand more appealing. Your logo is the first impression you make on potential customers, so choose a clean, minimal design that is eye-catching and professional. Consider also using contemporary colours that invoke certain feelings in consumers so that your business stands out or create a new tagline that defines the purpose and voice of your company.
I know what you’re thinking, and whilst you may not be a whizz on photoshop, hiring a branding design agency to do all the hard work can make your logo and branding redesign a much easier process.
Refresh Images
Visuals of your brand can cause your business to feel stale, boring and predictable. By freshening up your imagery on your website, marketing materials or social platforms, you can help your audience see what they want to see, not what you want them to see.
Consumer trends are changing, and more consumers are wanting to see the real you and want to see who the people behind the brand are. Think about sharing your business behind the scenes and create fun and lively imagery that shows who your brand really is.
Updating your imagery is one of the most fun ways you can refresh your brand, and you can even do this in batches! Choose a day you’re all the freest, bring changes of clothes and book a photographer to take some images of your team.
Update Website Copy
When your business starts to slow down, marketing should be your first port of call to revisit; this includes website copy. Updating your website content can do wonders for your SEO. A tired, stale website doesn’t look great in the eyes of Google, so take some time and do some research into what your customers want to see and make your website copy reflect that. Carrying out competitor analysis, keyword research and tracking your content can help you identify gaps in your content marketing.
Putting out regular content can help your website and your business be more successful and can be the refresh your business needs.
Get New Testimonials
One of the best ways to market yourself refreshingly is to let others do your marketing for you. Asking your clients to write you testimonials is great for your business. It shows potential customers that you deliver real results and these are people who can vouch for that.
There is no more of a credible ambassador for your business than a satisfied customer. Whilst you may have the best imagery, branding, website copy and accreditations, that means less to a potential customer than words from an existing or past client.
Customers are likely to spend 31% more with a business that has great customer testimonials, so start requesting these from your clients to refresh your brand and start boosting sales.