The Future of Retail: How Robotic Testing is Changing Used Phones Diagnostics

The first evolution in the used device business came with the widespread testing of software that speed up the process and reduced human errors. Now, the second revolution is happening, and the reason for it is the cutting-edge robotic testing solutions.

In today’s blog post, we will discuss how the creation of testing robots has shaped the used device diagnostics for retail businesses.

Robot testing

Challenges in Used Phone Diagnostics

Nowadays, used phones diagnostics for retail face several significant problems that have a negative impact on overall profits:

  • The amount of tested devices is lower than it could be. That happens because the diagnostics process depends on the person who performs it, which creates opportunities for human errors.
  • Training of the employee is time-consuming. To prepare the worker for performing manual testing requires time and skills.
  • The calculation of the trade-in price is subjective and unclear for the buyer. Overall, that reduces the customer trust and negatively influences the sales.
  • Inconsistency in Diagnostic Standards: This inconsistency leads to unreliable grading of devices, which can confuse customers and erode trust in the retailer’s valuation process.
  • Technological Obsolescence: Retailers must continually invest in updating their diagnostic technology to keep up with new phone models and features, which can be costly.
  • Difficulty Identifying Counterfeit Devices: Standard diagnostic processes may not be sufficient to identify these fakes, leading to potential financial losses and damage to the retailer’s reputation.
  • Data Security Concerns: When diagnosing used phones, retailers need to ensure that any remaining personal data is securely wiped from the device.
  • Physical Damage Assessment Limitations: Current diagnostic methods may not accurately assess internal damage or wear that is not immediately visible. This can result in overvaluing a device that has significant unseen issues.
  • Customer Disputes Over Device Condition: The subjective nature of manual inspections can lead to disputes with customers over the condition and valuation of their devices.
  • Environmental Impact and Sustainability Concerns: Retailers face increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices.
  • Regulatory Compliance and Liability Issues: Navigating the complex legal requirements adds another layer of difficulty to the diagnostic and resale process.

Benefits of Robotics Testing Solutions

Integrating testing robots into the diagnostic process not only enhances efficiency and accuracy but also substantially reduces operational costs. Automation eliminates the need for extensive manual labor, which is one of the most significant expenses in the refurbishing process. With robots handling the bulk of the work, retailers can reallocate their human resources to more strategic tasks that require human insight, such as customer service, quality assurance of the automated process, and managing the logistics of incoming and outgoing devices.

Furthermore, the precision of robots in diagnosing and grading devices means that the quality of the products sold is consistently high, leading to increased customer satisfaction and repeat business. The reliability of data erasure performed by these robots also ensures compliance with data protection regulations, mitigating the risk of costly legal issues.

The scalability of robotic testing is a game-changer for the industry. As demand for used devices grows, retailers can scale their operations more easily by adding more robots rather than hiring and training new staff. This scalability also enables retailers to quickly adapt to market demands, processing a larger inventory of devices during peak periods without compromising on the quality of diagnostics.

The data collected by these robots can provide valuable insights into common device faults, trends in device conditions, and potential areas for process improvement. This data-driven approach not only streamlines operations but also informs strategic decisions about inventory management, pricing strategies, and customer service policies, further enhancing the retailer’s competitiveness in the fast-paced market of used electronic devices.

NSYS robot Reeva

What Testing Robot to Choose

Go for the most efficient and affordable robot on the market — the NSYS robot Reeva. One robotic line can process up to 70 devices per hour! Impressive numbers, right?

Moreover, device cosmetics assessment is performed in perfect conditions by AI, and data erasure is compliant with ADISA and NIST SP 800-88 regulations. The robotic solution is an employee who works 24/7 without salary, insurance, or training.

Let the robot do your job!