6 Proven Factors for Developing a Website that Sells

If you own a business website, it should be helping to generate leads and sales. Many people that have their website developed make the mistake of only using the site as a ‘brochure advertisement’ instead of turning the website into a lead-generating and selling machine.

A business website is a significant investment and like building a house, it needs the right planning and structure. Here are 6 factors to consider when developing your website so that it will help your business increase sales.

Businessman browsing business website

1. Create a fantastic product or service

Many business owners’ wonder why they don’t get ahead and it is because they invest in developing a mediocre product or service, which yields them mediocre results. Your product or service needs to exceed the expectations of your customers.

2. Publish blog content

Many businesses underestimate the power of having exceptional blog content. Businesses that thrive in their industry are usually perceived as an authority. They’ve established their brand presence and people easily recall their brand in their market.

Advertising on media such as television and radios are great but expensive ways to boost the brand awareness of your business. Businesses that manage a blog have an advantage because they can publish and promote aspects about their business inexpensively. Some great ways to improve the selling value of your website’s blog is by:

  • Publishing product or service reviews.
  • Publishing customer testimonials.
  • Publishing case studies.
  • Publishing guides.

3. Write amazing sales copy

The most important factor that will influence the purchasing decisions of your prospective customers online is the sales copy that is being used on your website. Your website’s copy is the factor that will either compel visitors to take further action or to navigate away from your website. Developing copy that sells should be the number one priority for any web based business.

You can develop sales copy that sells with the following methodology.

  • Understand the wants, needs and desires of the audience.
  • Create a headline that addresses the problems, needs or pain points of the audience.
  • Illustrate how your product or service can solve their problems.
  • Cover all points and reservations that your audience may have to avoid having them not proceed with the sale.
  • Show endorsements of your products through reviews and testimonials.
  • Demonstrate any affiliations your products or service might have with other influential organisations in the industry.
  • Highlight any awards or milestones that your products or services have achieved.
  • Propose an irresistible offer.

Business website on a tablet

4. Use visual aids to sell your business’s product or service

It is easier to sell your products or services by illustrating them with the use of images. Showing pictures or videos of the product or service being used will minimise any reservations that the perceived buyer may have.

5. Ensure that your website’s design appeals to your target audience

The design of your website must also sell your business. People that might be ready to purchase your business’s product or service can change their mind in an instant if they don’t like or trust your website. The expectations of people browsing on the internet is high and even a website that appears to have a few pixels out of place or colours that don’t appeal to them can hamper your web marketing efforts. Australian-based business Pixelstorm, who provide website development services in Melbourne recommend browsing through website theme templates that are known to convert, as well as the latest designs to ensure that your site appeals to your target audience.

6. Build your customer database

Building a prospective customer database from your website’s visitors will increase your chances to get more leads and sales. Many websites lose the opportunity to retain prospective visitors due to bounce rate or visitors that weren’t interested in their proposition at the time. Once they leave the website, it is unlikely that they will return.

By capturing their information with cookies or lead sign-ups, you will be able to reach these website visitors again and remarket to them until they are ready to make a purchase from your site.

These six factors will improve the sales that you will make from your website. Start implementing some of these actions today and start seeing your sales increase over the next six months, guaranteed!