Tips on Finding the Right Rigid Lifelines Supplier

For many people, dealing with danger on a day to day basis is just part of their life and job. Many people make their living by working at very high altitudes, which means that safety equipment plays a very important role in their day to day life.

One of the best pieces of safety equipment that a person with this kind of job can use is Rigid Lifelines. These apparatuses have been known to save quite a few lives and are well worth what you pay for them. A vital part of getting the lifelines that you need is by finding a quality supplier in your area.

The following are a few tips on finding the right supplier for your safety equipment needs.

Doing Your Research

The first thing you need to do is to find the right salesman who deals with this type of safety equipment because this will give you the list of names that you need for your research. Once you have the names of the safety supply companies in your area, you need to start doing research on them.

You need to look for customer reviews because this will allow you to see how well each company performed for people in the past.

Check the Selection

The next thing to focus on when choosing a safety supplier in your area is to check the selection that they have. You want to make sure that you get all of the supplies that you need from one store because this will save you time and stress in the end.

The more you know about what a supplier has to offer, the better equipped you will be to make the right decision regarding which one to use.

Griffin - Rigid Lifelines
photo credit: Rigid Lifelines

The Cost

Another very important thing you need to check when trying to find the right safety supplier is the cost of their merchandise. The best way to find the price that you want is by calling around and getting quotes from the suppliers in your area.

You need to make sure that you have a list of the supplies that you need so you can get an accurate quote. The time and effort that you invest into this process, will be more than worth it in the end. Neglecting to check the price of each supplier may lead to you paying too much for your Rigid Lifelines.


After considering all the factors above, make sure that you don’t miss this final step: Testing your equipment.   The system, if designed by a qualified person and properly inspected, is actually already as safe as it can be; you don’t need to test it.  However, if your company policy requires you to do so or if you have other reasons to do the testing, here’s how to do it.

Without the right safety equipment, you will be putting yourself and your employees at risk. It’s a no brainer: You should allocate a sufficient budget to provide them.