How Video Marketing Increases Your Business’ Growth

Are you looking for the big advertising tool that will move your business to the next level? If so, video marketing is the tool you are looking for. In a recent study, video marketing was found to be 600% more effective than other forms of marketing.

While this is not the only next-generation advertising tool out there, its effectiveness is second to none. Here are the reasons video marketing is a formidable tool in advertising:

Video marketing campaign

Sales conversion

As a general rule, consumers do not buy products they don’t understand. As an entrepreneur, it is your responsibility to ensure that your product is fully understood by the user.

How do you achieve this? Video marketing is the answer, as studies have shown that up to 74% of users who watched a video of a product subsequently purchased it. It is, therefore, no surprise that the top 100 advertisers nationally use videos as their marketing tools. A correlation of video advertisements and their sales conversions can be clearly linked.


It is estimated that an average adult will spend close to 30% of their day on their phone, tablet or computer. The majority of this time is spent on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram or video-sharing giant YouTube. All of these applications are available on the average smartphone.

This is the reason why 40% of all advertising videos will be watched on a phone. On top of that, TV has been found to be less effective in disseminating information compared to YouTube. Most adults between the age of 18–35 get their information from YouTube or social media sites.

Creates trust

A normal advertisement in the newspaper or on the radio will elicit little to no emotions. On the other hand, a video advertisement will first elicit intrigue. If you engage the consumer, you will create a sense of trust. Whichever features you explain your product has, or problems it will solve, consumers are likely to believe them easily. Having a channel on YouTube will allow consumers to interact with you. You will have an opportunity to respond to questions, creating a bond between you and the consumer.


Having a video marketing tool increases your likelihood of receiving new customers. According to a recent survey, you are more likely to be at the top of the search engine’s list if you have a video. Being at the top means more users visiting your site or channel. A common fact is that no one looks at the second page of their search engine. So if you’re looking for some cool videos and stock footages do surf some sites like Motion Array, where you will get thousands of stock videos you need for your live projects instantly.


If you create an interesting and funny video, chances are it will be shared among social media users quickly. Viral videos create increased brand awareness of your product while increasing your website’s traffic. Large website traffic can be converted to new customers easily, making customer acquisition an easy task.

Parting shot

Videos are the best marketing tool available right now. It is no wonder that investment in video marketing has quadrupled within the last five years. Everyone is rushing to do video marketing. Why should you and your business be left behind?