B2B Resources for Entrepreneurs: Legitimate Mailing List

The most difficult part in your business marketing campaign is to look for legitimate mailing list to send your offer to.

Sure, there are yellow pages or directories – both online and offline – that can be a good source of mailing list. But you can’t really tell whether the information provided are obsolete or not, unless if you contacted them and eventually found out that the info is not up to date.

There are also companies offering a large database of businesses, in exchange for a small sum of money that looks like a great deal. Beware, though – everything comes at a price. Those companies might know by businesses as spammers – unsolicited contacts and mailing lists, and usually focus on email marketing.

So, now you know where those spammy email in your inbox came from :)

How to find real mailing list resources on the Net

The number one advice is to seek recommendations for the better Business Mailing Lists.

Word of mouth is the best form of marketing – everything is amplified. If your company did a good job, the buzz is positive – exponentially. In the other hand, if your company did something wrong, the buzz will surely ‘flatten’ your business to the ground.

So, you can ‘seek’ the buzz from the Internet to learn whether the company you are recommended to get your B2B Data is the excellent choice for your business.

Any recommendations?

I never actually had a recommendation for the US market, but If you happen to take your entrepreneurial journey to UK, I would recommend you Data B2B, offering a comprehensive mailing list for your B2B campaign, with the quarterly updated high-profile clients data. I’m not their affiliate, so you can trust me on this :)

Do you have any recommendations? Please comment at this post your recommendations, if you have personal experience with them.

Ivan Widjaya