Web Hosting Review Business: Lucrative?

hmmWeb hosting is the foundation of successful online business. No matter how brandable your domain name is, the wrong web hosting will always mean disaster for your online business.

Here’s the supply and demand thing: with so many people today looking for the right web hosting solution to host their websites, thus born a lucrative online business model: web hosting review sites.

First thing first: what is web hosting review sites?

In essence, web hosting review sites offer recommendations on which web hosting provider to choose, and why.

The recommendations themselves are from two sources – what the web hosting review site owner think and what the web hosting customers think.

A good site, such as this Web Hosting Reviews, combine both the site owner’s and the customers’ opinions.

What to include in a web hosting review site?

Generally speaking, you have to include Web Hosting Comparison Chart.

Visually compare web hosting providers help the site’s visitor to choose which providers are highly recommended, and which ones should be avoided at all cost.

What to compare – Web hosting review sites usually compare features, pros, cons and overall ratings of the highlighted web hosting provider.

To add value, some sites do offer recommendations based on your case – If you want to host, say, a blog, then you should seek recommendations on web hosting that offer bloggers more perks than the others.

Why web hosting review business is a lucrative, win-win business

The web hosting review site owner’s revenue is mainly from affiliation with the web hosting providers.

Their payout for each successful sign-up can range from tens of dollar to more than one hundred dollars – a reasonably hefty amount of profit sharing with affiliates, which describes why web hosting review business is lucrative!

A web hosting review site offers a win-win situation for both the site owner and site visitors – site owners can earn from every affiliation, while site visitors can decide what is the best solution for them.

For the site visitors, following the recommendations are surely avoid them from all the hassles of choosing the wrong web hosting, that might include lackluster reliability, poor customer support, moving sites to new web hosting, etc.

Things to look out for starting a web hosting review business

This type of online business requires you to be trusted and unbiased. Your customers are smart people, so don’t you ever think to lure them to choose the web hosting providers that offer the best payout for you!

Moreover, you should incorporate testimonials to accompany the web hosting ratings – Testimonials are definitely strong sales pitches. Just make sure you use legitimate testimonials with some assurance that they are legit.

One last thing – lucrative always means tough competition. With so many web hosting review sites on the Net, making yours stands out is a challenge. Just make sure you are ready to stand above the rest!

Ivan Widjaya
Thinking about starting one ;)
Image by striatic.