1. Consider all aspects of your creative talent
You don’t have to perform the actual creative skill. Musicians, consider other aspects such as teaching the next generation of musicians or adults who’ve always wanted to learn. In fact, teaching is a great way to earn a paycheck with your creativity. Also, consider the development of the materials you use, brushes, instruments, jeweler’s beads and more are created everyday in factories full of workers.
2. Look for work within you current job
There are great creative positions as worker bees within large and small companies. That includes the company you for now. Artists, ask about opportunities in the graphic design or marketing and advertising departments. Writers look in advertising, marketing, and even the online divisions of a company. There are other jobs for creative types. Designers, for example can find jobs in consulting, as a buyer, creative director, in materials manufacturing, research and development, etc.
3. Unless you have a savings, consider keeping your day job for just little while longer
Creative jobs are won on results. So, until you have tangible proof of what you can do, you will need a way to pay the bills. In your spare time, look for freelance work that allows you to display your talents for money. Volunteer work is another way to build your portfolio. Look beyond earning money at this stage and concentrate only on getting enough experience and displays of your work.
4. Build Your Portfolio
Ask the people you’ve volunteered or freelanced for about becoming your references. Include their names on you CV. Take pictures of tangible like crafts, clothes, sculptures, paintings, websites, etc. that you’ve created. Compile them into a book that will become the key to your first real creative job. Be sure to get your client’s permission before using the work you’ve done.
5. Open your mouth and network
No one is going to know you until you put yourself out there. Go to conferences, functions hosted by your current employer, and get online. Talk to people about topics that involve your talent. Carry business cards with your creative skill worked into the profession line under your name. Use social networking such as Facebook and Twitter. Build yourself a website and let everyone know what your skills are.
6. Act with Confidence
Know that you have what it takes to do the job. After performing the work, networking, and researching your skill and its potential, you are an expert on the topic. Start your own business or apply for a job with the confidence in yourself and your creativity. Companies and potential clients are looking to place their money on someone that they know can do the job. If you are confident, they can be too.
Turning your creativity into a paycheck is accomplished in many ways. However, these tips will give you’re the foundation needed to go forward, to land that creative job. In some cases, the perfect job may not be the one you envisioned. Just keep an open mind.
About the Author
This post was written by Tim Grayling of OnlineMBA.com. This site provides the resources you need to find out where to obtain the best MBA online.