One marketing Premiums are free items that are given to customers when they make purchases in order to gain their loyalty and to establish a company-customer bond which instead helps the company hold its market standing. Marketing premiums are known all over as common gifts such as shopping credits, surprise gifts, items and gift cards.
While premiums work well on their own, what most company marketers don’t realize is that the strategy brings the best results when the premiums used are uncommon, new and exciting. Presenting customers with the same old boring free products may keep the loyalty but it has a lesser chance of attracting new target audiences. Here are some unusual and strange marketing ideas that work by exciting and intriguing customers and winning their loyalties.
Inflatable products, magnets and lanyards are excellent rewards that are sure to excite customers. These premiums can display the brand logo and therefore also serve as an advertising tool.
Promotional items such as calendars, gift towels and flags can also be used as fun ways to reward customers.
Other stuff such as mouse pads, recordable CDs and desk clocks which barely any companies gift can be used as excellent marketing premium ideas.
Grocery related items can include gifts like cook-books and free CDs with cooking tutorials.
Include some good and cheap novels and comics as premiums with products, which will make book-crazy customers will go crazy about collecting. Who would’ve ever thought about rewarding books with products?

As strange as it may sound, sometimes, premiums don’t necessarily have to be in the form of tangible things. Instead, they could come in the form of tiny facts and little games. For example, the caps of beverage bottles can come with some interesting “did you know’s” and biscuit boxes could come with fun games and riddles on the inside.
Being creative and unique is the key to a successful marketing campaign. Don’t stick to the usual stuff as that will keep you in a mediocre position only. Instead, take the risk and think out of the box and come up with better ideas for marketing premiums; they may be strange but work they will, better than the common ones.
About the Author: The article is written by Serj Sokoloff. Visit his website at