Combat Mediocrity: Become Business Agile! (Infographic)

Remember the Charlie’s Angels? The three crime fighters in high heels are working together in solving mysteries and making crimes pay. Every ‘angel’ has her own special ‘powers’ that, when combined with the powers of other angels, turn them into an effective crime-combatting group.

The business world is in need of such angels.

You see, many businesses were bogged down by ineffective systems, from legacy systems to chaotic communications. The systems were losing the business competitive powers.

But not anymore.

Things changed when the Angels come along to save the day. The Business Agile Angels, the business version of Charlie’s Angels, are natural-born crime-fighters and were responsive to the changing world of business agility.

Business Agile Angels

Why businesses need to become business agile?

Well, the upsides are too significant to ignore: Business agile enhances collaboration, reduce development cost, increase product/service quality, shorten time time to market, and improve customer satisfaction.

If those upsides don’t fascinate you, try this: If you’re not business agile, your short-term business outlook is a mess, and long-term survival is highly questionable. Why? The business world is moving very fast, thanks to the Internet. Your last month tactics are likely not working today; you need to respond to such changes accordingly or turn your business into a boring, irrelevant one.

Feeling intrigued? Read on.

What are the tools used by the angels?

Now, let’s go back to our angels. In fighting crimes, they need tools. What are the agile business tools that you need?

  1. Culture change: Embrace new policies, protocols, and processes. Always open to new ways to do business-related.
  2. Results-driven collab: Foster effective result-oriented collaboration. Kick office politics in the groin (can’t help it – sorry for that!)
  3. Employee engagement: This is the true core of business agility. Don’t mess around with it.
  4. Speed with efficiency: Rapid firing is nice, but missing your target too often is counter-productive.
  5. Agile resource management: Real-time accurate reporting matters in making sure that business team and individuals stay on track.
  6. Visibility: Decision makers need 360-degree visibility in everything so that they can make proactive decisions, promptly.
  7. Collaborative Work Management: Businesses need CWM tools that make sure that projects stay relevant to the business agility’s core.

Not only tools

The change of mindset matters. Tools are nothing if the old mindsets still rule. But how to change your entire company’s mindsets toward business agile? It’s not easy, but getting started is quite simple: Facts rule.

Decision makers and employees need to know what becoming business agile can offer them. You can get started by sharing this Business Agile Angel story. Alternatively, just cut the chase and share this infographic by Clarizen:

Business Agile infographic by Clarizen