In today’s time, more and more people are opening businesses. Unfortunately, a lot of these businesses aren’t quite as successful as the individuals intend. In fact, a lot of times these businesses end up going under. Of course, there are several reasons that the businesses failed, but a lot of it has to do with your marketing.
The individual may have selected the wrong marketing techniques or the wrong time to market. Both of these circumstances culminate to the unsuccessful operation of the business. With that being said, this is why it is imperative that you know when exactly you should launch a marketing campaign, and how you should go about doing it.

Start Up Companies
As a startup company, you will face many difficult roads ahead. However, the most difficult is getting your brand and name out there. With so many other successful businesses in the same niche as you it might be hard to get recognition.
Many founders make the mistake of waiting until their business is fully operational before they start marketing, but this is a major mistake that should be avoided at all costs. In fact, you should be out there marketing before your business is launched. Let people know what your business is about and what you are going to be able to provide to the world that the competition can’t.
Launching A New Product
It is often a common practice for established companies or even new companies to launch new and improved products in order to increase sales. A lot of times the companies will just put up posters of the new product in their store, maybe air a TV ad or two, or just stick the product on the shelves and expect it to sell itself. Unfortunately, this isn’t a good marketing technique, as it isn’t going to draw people into the store.
You want customer far and wide to be aware of this new and improved product that you are selling. Once again, you should be marketing this new product before its release date.
Big Holiday Shopping Events
If you look at the US business holiday calendar you will notice that there are quite a few holidays where customers engage in shopping events. In fact, these are some of the times when US consumers spend the most money. You have weeks and months in advance for Christmas time, and then you have the biggest shopping day of the year, Black Friday.
You should always plan a marketing campaign weeks and months in advances before these big shopping holidays arrive. This will inform your customer base, as to the products that you are going to be offering, and what kind of deals that you are going to be offering.
Your customers will be waiting in line at your front door before the store even open in anticipation for your products.
Big Sales Events
Every company has a time of year when they have a year-end or quarterly sale, which includes discounts on all the products in the store. Make sure that you are properly marketing these events in advance, so that you customers are aware of the deals that you are offering.