How a Blog Can Actually Help SEO

A blog by definition is a particular type of website or page that is regularly updated with different sorts of information in both formal and informal ways. They’re usually run by one individual or a small group of individuals. The overall purpose of a blog usually, is to inform, educate and occasionally entertain the viewers.

There are, however, more benefits of a blog if done correctly; SEO being one of those things. This abbreviation is just a quicker way to say Search Engine Optimisation , which in basic terms is a process that aids in the visibility and relevance of a web page.

Two young bloggers are blogging for SEO

To ranking in search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing you will need to use SEO services. This is because search engines will bring up the most relevant results when someone is searching the net.

To give a small example, take SEO in Sydney. When someone living in this state wants to hire say, a cleaning company to do a bond clean for them, they’ll usually type ‘bond cleaning Sydney’ or something similar into their search engine.

Search Engine Optimisation services work to provide the most relevant results within the area – no point in bringing up an available company that is on the other side of the world, right?

Small businesses or individuals can use blogs to their advantage by consistently updating them with quality content, thus enhancing search engine optimisation in their favour and bringing more traffic to their sites. Here are a few ways that blogging can aid SEO (and every other place, too):

Increasing a Websites Relevancy and Visibility

As mentioned above, SEO services are needed to ensure your website is the most relevant result when someone types something into their search bar. Search engine use ‘crawlers’ that search for keywords that are exactly the same or in relation to what has been searched.

An individual or organisation that want to increase their relevancy or visibility online can create a blog (and make sure to keep their blog updated) with posts that include keywords relevant to their website or webpage. That way, whenever someone types into a search engine, there’s more chance of the individuals or organisations blog and therefore webpage coming up!

Fresh Quality Content

Content is the key to staying on top of online competition. Google and most search engines give preference to sites that are consistently being updated, but it may not be within a company’s best interest to be constantly changing their site. This is where blogging comes in!

Blogs are made to be continuously updated. However, updating a blog every second of every day without actually having useful information or content will not get a web page very far. When hosting a blog (along with most things in life) remember that quality is always better than quantity.

Backlinking strategy

Link Bait

Next to content, backlinking is another key factor that Google , Yahoo and Bing take into consideration when pushing a website to the top of search results. Backlinking is when a certain website or page provides a link to the original web source. If a website has a high amount of these links, SEO services will recognise this site as a reliable source of information.

When hosting a blog, it is a good idea to include backlinks! From there they can be viewed and shares by people viewing the blog. When one learns the art of backlinking they can begin to create their own and have them shared by users across the internet, essentially bringing in traffic to the desired place.

Similarly to having quality content over quantity, it is important to ensure that backlinks are of great use to a person. It’s better to have ten useful links rather than 100 useless ones.

Increasing Viewers Bringing in Potential Customers

Research from SEO Shark – SEO Sydney company shows that blogging helps SEO and in turn can help to increase the viewers of a web page and also bring in more potential customers for pages that are selling their products online. This is done by everything that was mentioned in the previous paragraphs. Increasing relevancy and visibility through providing great, consistent content and quality backlinks is, over time, going to bring more traffic to a website.

In addition, blogging is also a good way to promote and sell products for an organisation. Videos or photos are a great way to showcase products – especially if the video or photos provoke an emotional reaction from the viewers. When a host posts these photos/videos on their blog, they can be shared around, essentially providing free advertisement of their product!

Overall, bloggers based in Sydney and blogging for their websites are ultimately benefitting in almost every way possible. It can be both entertaining for them as well as their viewers, and generally beneficial for SEO in Sydney and therefore beneficial for their website.