5 Ways to Integrate Nature in Your Home Office

Working from home has its advantages — you no longer feel drained by office politics and apply more focus to the tasks in hand.

But it might bring unexpected challenges too — including a sense of professional isolation and claustrophobia.

However, making your work hours as comfortable as possible can stave off many working niggles — here are five ways to integrate the calming power of nature in your home office.

Office greenery

1. Greenery

If you want to surround yourself with living organisms that purify the air and create a soothing atmosphere, place a few plants around your office.

We’re not all green-fingered, so if you’re new to horticulture, your local garden centre can advise on the top picks for pot plants — for instance, cacti and aloe look appealing and are reasonably low-maintenance.

But if your favourite plants need lots of natural light, make sure they’re positioned in prime spots.

2. Colour

There’s no universally-applicable rules about the feelings induced by specific colours — so some people find red alarming while others are attracted to its warmth.

But if you haven’t considered it before, the colour of your office can have a subtle, yet powerful, effect on your mood.

Corporate offices tend to veer heavily towards stale ecru shades, but you might want to cover your walls in ambient paint in a cheerful shade of yellow or a calming blue tone.

Take home some tester pots and paint some small patches to help you decide what works best.

3. Humidity

Its notoriously difficult to set an optimal temperature in large offices — despite sophisticated air-conditioning systems, they’re usually either stuffy or too chilly.

But another advantage of working at home is controlling your indoor air so that it’s moist and healthy.

Office humidifiers are an affordable way to control your environment and they prevent the cracked lips and sinus problems associated with arid air.

Office pet

4. Pets

Being at home means you can possibly work flexibly, leaving more time to care properly for a larger pet like a cat or dog.

However, some of the most entertaining and relaxing creatures to share an office with are fish.

When you install a desktop aquarium, you’re adding an entirely new dimension to your working life.

There are several simple to maintain but aesthetically pleasing models to choose from — and staring into an underwater world while you’re on the phone to a difficult client is rather soothing.

5. Garden

If you live in a warm climate, or just want to make the most of a rare, hot summer’s day, work outdoors as often as possible.

Customers and colleagues can contact you on your mobile and you can set up your laptop in the garden.

And if you want to ensure you can enjoy the fresh air and feel the grass under your feet in any weather, choose a garden marquee that strikes the ideal balance between open air and cosy shelter.

Take these five steps to integrate nature into your home working regime and you’ll feel healthier and more productive before you know it.

Do you work from home? Tell us how you arrange your office in the comments section.