6 Signs You Need a New Business Phone System

Is your business phone system helping you succeed or holding you back?

A powerful communications system is the bridge between you and successful client interactions. Even the most innovative business can’t succeed if their phone system isn’t up to date. An outdated system potentially costs you leads, frustrates your team members, and eats away at your finances.

Businesswoman using broadband business phone

Luckily, there are now plenty of feature-rich and affordable phone systems to choose from. No matter what industry you’re in, or the size and reach of your operation, there’s a system for you out there. There’s no longer any reason to pay too much for a system that’s hindering your success.

When is the right time to make the switch? Here are six signs it’s time to upgrade your business phone system:

1. You’re overpaying

You’re less than satisfied with your monthly phone bill. It might seem like you see your provider’s maintenance team more than you see your own family, and those maintenance costs add up quickly. Hidden fees pop up at the bottom of your bill more than you’d like. Maybe you’ve dealt with the constraints of a two-year contract with a provider.

If any of these situations apply to you, you need a new system. Modern virtual phone systems like Tresta operate without contracts. This means you can adjust or cancel your service at any time. Additionally, Tresta focuses on transparent billing practices free of hidden fees; surprise charges and confusing bills are a thing of the past.

2. Your system is a chore to use

Is your current system complicated, frustrating, or worse: outdated? Older phone systems lack the user-friendly interfaces of current systems. This frustrates your team members who use the system every day and creates disgruntled callers who spend too long on hold before reaching the person they need. All the time you spent recruiting and training talented service reps is wasted if your callers hang up before getting the chance to talk to them.

A system with a poor user experience discourages your callers and ultimately, costs you business. It’s not worth it. Virtual phone systems are designed with ease of use in mind; they work on any device, even the smartphones and tablets you and your team already own. This means there’s no unfamiliar hardware to get used to.

The caller’s experience is also improved in modern phone systems. Customized greetings guide callers through simple routing instructions, minimizing wait times and ensuring every caller is heard. Your clients will appreciate a stress-free phone call more than you’d think and odds are, they’ll spread the word.

3. Your business is growing

Your operation is growing and needs more phone lines for new team members. You could be one of the thousands of employers embracing the remote workplace, empowering your team to work from anywhere and making use of talented people from across the country.

If your growth is exceeding your phone system’s capacity, it simply isn’t a viable solution anymore. Newer systems make it easy to add phone lines and users as you grow with no maximum capacity. Your phone system should make growth and expansion easier, not more difficult.

Businesswoman making business call

4. You’re constantly out of the office

When you leave the office, do your business calls come with you? If your phone system doesn’t work on all of your devices, you might be forced to share your personal number to ensure you can be reached from anywhere. And you’ve probably shared that phone number with more people than you’re comfortable with.

Virtual phone systems simplify your life by linking your business number to any device you want. You’re never out of reach from business contacts, unless of course, you want to be. Not to mention, your personal and business numbers remain separate.

5. You’re missing out on modern features

If your business uses an outdated phone system, you might be surprised by all the powerful new features you’re missing out on.

Can your current system send your voicemails and call recordings to your email? Can you download and share them with team members? Can it store those messages with unlimited cloud storage? Does your current system have an app specially designed for your mobile devices?

If you’re lacking these features and they sound useful to what you’re doing, it might just be time to explore your options. These features elevate your telecommunications from a phone sitting on a desk to a multifaceted platform that will make life easier for you, your team, and your clients.

6. You…don’t have a business phone system

If your business is based out of your home, you might think you have no use for a phone system. They belong in office buildings from a decade ago, not your work-from-home heaven. They’re absolutely too expensive. There’s no point. Right?

Wrong! Even if your business communications happen solely on your smartphone, you stand to reap the benefits of a virtual phone system. As previously mentioned, a business phone number separate from your personal number will make your life easier and give your business a more polished and professional appearance. This, plus call recording, voicemail to email, and a convenient mobile app make working from home easier than ever. All with affordable, transparent pricing that’s totally free of contracts.

Calling a client

It’s not too late!

The signs of a bad situation have a way of making themselves painfully clear in hindsight, when it’s too late. Don’t let that be the case with your business phone system.

If you’re in any way unsatisfied with your current service, identify the reasons and consider making the switch to a modern business phone system. It might just be the change your business needed.