In the ever changing world of business, it can be difficult to remain on top of your skills. With business, you constantly have to work hard to make sure that you are doing everything in your power so that your business is the best business.
Many people graduate universities with bachelor’s degrees in business with the knowledge to succeed. However, they don’t always attain the business skills necessary to become the administrator that they hope to be.
Whether you are well on your way on the professional end or just starting out your career, here are five helpful tips for improving your business skills!
1. Find an Experienced Mentor
If you are just starting out, one of your first steps should be to find a mentor who has experience and is willing to teach you their ways.
There is no better way to learn the ins and outs of business than to watch it be done by a person who has already made a name for themselves.
It is important to look for a mentor who works in the field that you are interested in. Not only is this helpful in learning the trade, but it could also allow you to make a helpful connection when you are ready to start your career.
2. Network
In any industry, it is important to have connections. Much like it is helpful to have a mentor in a field that you are interested in following, it is also important to get to know as many people as possible.
These connections can be great in finding a possible career path or in creating professional relationships that will further your career in the long-run.
Fix up your LinkedIn profile and begin to make connections with other professionals who can vouch for the skills in your profile. Also, be on the lookout for any career networking events in your local community. These are great places to make connections.
3. Obtain a Master’s Degree
One of the best ways to become an expert is to attend all of the schooling possible for the subject. With a master’s degree in business, you can quite literally say that you have mastered the skill.
There are many schools and options for this degree. For those who are already working or prefer alternatives to traditional classroom settings, you can even obtain an online MBA degree from the comfort of your own home.

4. Perfect Your Public Speaking
Public speaking is a very useful skill to have, especially when you are in business. Practice this skill by doing as much public speaking as possible and even by practicing in the mirror while you get ready in the morning. A confident speaker is a successful business administrator.
Another great way to perfect your speaking is by watching others do it. Watch some popular Ted Talks and take note of what successful speakers say and, most importantly, the way that they say it.
5. Take an Improv Class
While it may sound silly, an improv class can greatly improve your business skills. These classes will allow you to learn how to react and adapt to new situations while teaching you how to better network yourself.
These classes are not only fun, but they also improve your creativity, teamwork, communication, and leadership skills—all important aspects of a successful business administrator.
The industry is always changing and expanding, so as a business person, it is your job to make sure that you can keep up.
Whether you are already a successful entrepreneur looking to brush up your business skills or just starting to dip your feet into the world of business, follow these tips to become the best business agent that you can be.