Catastrophic Personal Injury In Washington And Oregon: An Overview

Getting injured in an accident entitles one to financial compensation which is known as personal injury law. There are different types of personal injury and the rules governing the personal injury law vary per state in the US.

If you and/or your business resides in the state of Washington and Oregon, you should seek for legal help from a local personal injury attorney. But first thing first; here is an overview on catasthrophic personal injury that you should know about.

Man using crutch

Catastrophic Injury

Catastrophic injury is where the person who gets injured in an accident is unable to maintain his/her current job that supports him/herself and his/her family as a consequence of the injury. This can be frustrating and devastating from a legal, emotional, and financial point of view. The victim not only loses a lifetime of wages and benefits but also loses his/her sense of purpose that comes with his/her job.

This type of injury also results in financial damage because of the immense medical bills that he/she has to pay to get treated for the injury.

An individual who suffered from a catastrophic injury may be required to undergo expensive training or retraining to learn new skills that he/she can use for his/her employment based on his/her current limitations. They may even be physically or cognitively impaired which can prevent them from finding any kind of job.

The effects of a catastrophic injury goes beyond just the work life of the victim. The victim is not only deprived of working but he/she will most likely be unable to exercise, travel, engage in his/her hobbies or usual activities, or even take care of him/herself in such a way that a healthy person would be able to do.

The victim may also suffer emotionally and undergo depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems on top of the physical pain and the suffering that is a result of a disabling and devastating injury.

Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries

  • Multiple bone fractures
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Brain damage
  • Organ damage
  • Severe burns
  • Amputations
  • Exposure to hazardous substances and chemicals

Incidents that Lead to Catastrophic Injuries

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Bike accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Construction accidents
  • Medical malpractice and medication errors
  • Injuries caused by defective medical devices and consumer products
  • Nursing home abuse
  • Sexual abuse and assault
  • Swimming pool accidents and drowning

Catasthropic personal injury causes the loss of job, income and overall well-being

Realities About Catastrophic Personal Injury

The damages brought about by a catastrophic personal injury is definitely higher than a typical personal injury case because of the enormous losses and the far-reaching implications in the lives of the victims as a result of the catastrophic injuries.

Victims may get enormous amounts of money to cover the medical bills, ongoing medical treatment/s, and physical and emotional suffering and pain but truth be told, they are only granted a degree of financial security and stability in the face of crippling lifelong losses.

In reality, most victims of catastrophic personal injury would rather get their normal life back rather than receive such a huge amount of cash. The legal system can only do so much to give them a little hope, some justice to what they have been through, and a little compensation to make up for their loss.

Catastrophic Personal Injury Law in Washington and Oregon

In Washington and Oregon, catastrophic personal injury claims are controlled or guided by the law of negligence which means that if you get injured in an accident and someone else is responsible for it, you are entitled to compensation for both financial and non-financial aspects of your injuries.

You are entitled to get paid for your out-of-pocket expenses such as the medical expenses and the prescription costs and aside from that, you are also entitled to demand money for the loss of income, emotional damage, pain and suffering, loss of future earning capacity, and loss of enjoyment of life.