How To Start an Online Diamond Business

Jewelry has traditionally been an offline market, mainly due to the early practice of counterfeiting precious gems and misusing their value. However, in the recent, jewelry marketplaces are shifting online.

Newer standardized certificate guarantees, return assurances and laws all contribute to the absolute safety of buying expensive goods online. Here are some simple tips to begin an online diamond business.

Diamond business owner examining a diamond

1. Start Working on Permissions and Licenses

The first thing that you need to focus on is permission. As you will be dealing with a large amount of transactions, and very expensive goods, you need to obtain the necessary clearances for the same. To enable this, seek legal help from people with enough knowledge about the matter.

All your diamonds must have Gemological Institute of America or GIA clearance before you can offer it to your customers. If you need the stuff to trade with, just look up Loose GIA Wholesale Diamonds here.

2. Know What You Are About to Do and Plan Out

You need to know the sort of business you will embark upon. Diamonds are rare and expensive stones, so you need the right amount of business acumen to be able to make a profit from them.

Plan out the system of sales and work on a marketing team. Form a business plan for yourself and remain loyal to it. Businesses do not survive without planning, and you must ensure you are able to exercise it.

3. Build A Good Website for Yourself

Have an inviting website to draw customers. If your website is dry and dull, you will not be able to invoke any interest. Make your online page look glittery and sparkling, as you will be selling one of the most expensive and rare gems on the planet.

Hire proper social media developers and managers to connect with your probable audience through online sites. Remember to have creative professionals on board to redesign and work on your website properly.

Loose diamond

4. Get Good and Clear Photos of Your Gemstones

The photos of your gemstones on display need to be closeups and definitely clear ones. Have a DSLR do the job, as these photos are the ones to draw customers to your product. The same gemstones that you post pictures of must be available for sale, and if they aren’t, you should ensure you mention it in a disclaimer on your page.

Maintain a continuous style when posting pictures of the diamonds to maintain uniformity and to help it look neat.

5. Open A Line for Interaction with Customers

Customer service is an important part of growing and establishing yourself. Customers who are investing so much in your diamonds do not expect to speak to an automated answer bot or wait for a reply to their mails for days and months on end.

Be accessible to their requirements and speak to them frequently.

6. Work on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Work on search engine optimization. This is basically the practice of customizing your website to make it appear at the top of related search results. Since most of the world looks for products through search engines, SEO is the big break you will need.

Look for companies that can absolutely carry out this job well and help you reach as many customers as possible in your region.


Opening a diamond business online is not difficult at all, because you won’t have to worry about setting up an expensive shop to match up to the personality of your gems. This cuts costs, security expenses and other logistical expenses involved in a real-life store. However, the business must require a considerable level of online marketing and market presence.

Hire people who are good with the internet and can contribute creatively to the unit. This will see your profits soar.