3 Secrets to Running a Successful Law Office

From small operations to enormous legal teams, running a law office is no simple task. Strong client relation skills, partner compensation, and exceptional management skills are vital to making it all work.

Whether you’re new to this or simply looking to improve office efficiency, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are a few secrets to help your law office become the success you’ve always envisioned.

Law firm partners discussing

Manage the Workload

As you probably know, casework often makes its way back home for late nights or to accommodate a lawyer’s life. Staying on top of work inside and outside the office is difficult for any single lawyer, let alone someone running a firm. Thankfully, there’s software for that.

Clockspot is a unique software that simplifies the problem. Its user-friendly interface allows employees to clock in with their phone or computer, then monitors the work they’re doing to keep things on deadline. As the head of the operation, you can keep track of who is doing what from anywhere in the world.

Imagine the amount of time such a simple software can free up on any given day. Now, you can handle your own casework as well as the management of your firm. This also gives you time to focus on other key areas of operation like employee relations and boosting efficiency.

Business legal team meeting

Be The Leader

Chances are, your law office isn’t a solo venture. You rely on the individuals who work for you to create the core of your firm’s operations. As their leader, they rely on you to develop their skills, encourage teamwork, and empower them to perform at their best.

If you want to avoid splits or quick turnarounds, then a few pros in the industry developed a list of vital criteria you as the leader should meet. Follow them as closely as possible, and you’ll see success. These are the seven traits of an effective leader:

  • Create a unified vision for the firm that everyone can follow.
  • Make your teams feel important, because they are.
  • Admit when you make mistakes. No one is perfect.
  • Always critique job performance in private.
  • Establish trust amongst your teams by following the Golden Rule.
  • Stay in touch with the action happening in the office on every
  • case.
  • Do as you say, and everyone will follow suit

Learning law firm owner


Whether your firm handles the liquor license process in Texas or criminal proceedings, you won’t gain a single client if you don’t know how to market your office. Luckily, you don’t need a marketing degree to make this happen. Simple online courses can provide the basic skills you’ll need to develop word of mouth advertising and any other marketing strategies and tactics.

The best part of those classes is that they apply to any industry. In the same ways Target or Pepsi advertises to the masses, you can do the same with the legal help you have to offer. Picking up these vital communication skills will help with your customer relations, too.