Instagram Ads is, in all respects, a setting available in Facebook Ads to deliver a vast type of campaign. This means, without going too far, you can run your Instagram Ads campaign through Facebook. An effective Instagram ad strategy not only creates good brand awareness but also help you to increase the number of new Instagram followers, as well as the actual sales.
If you want to know how to design an effective advertising strategy on Instagram, then you are on the right page. Read on!
1. Start with the strategy
Before even wondering how to design a campaign in this particular setting or how much budget to invest in it, it makes sense to think about a wider panorama, asking yourself:
- What potential can my product have on a social network like Instagram?
- Can I identify competitors already on the social network? How are they doing things that work/don’t work?
- What result do I want to achieve? How long does it take? Is the strategy sustainable?
- Should I set a budget for Instagram Stories marketing? Should I buy Instagram followers and post likes?
- How do I intend to measure the results?

2. Define your target
Knowing your customer is a small mantra that becomes the necessary condition to design any type of campaign on Instagram.
Also, in this case, reasoning on extremely specific targets will allow us to build more vertical campaigns that will be able to test the reactivity of a specific type of customer to an equally specific proposal.
3. Separate the placement
In some cases, a further modification of the Instagram setting is already available between:
- Social feed;
- Instagram stories.
Between the two, a more “volatile” context such as that of the stories could give greater visibility in short order.
4. Pack a truly separate ad
No, simply declining the same series of ads already prepared for the Facebook feed or for a right column will not be enough.

5. Start with a good image
Seriously, spend a lot of time composing the right image.
When you use the image that tells the story of your brand may possibly go beyond the canons of the classic and highly recognizable advertisement in Facebook Ads or Google AdWords in Display.
Choose carefully the hashtags which are related to your image. Few and very good is the rule. Don’t chase macro hashtags with huge volumes, in which they disappear like a drop in the ocean. Remember that you are intercepting an audience within a social network (and an app, above all) with very specific dynamics.
6. Don’t do cold selling
Don’t look for macro conversion right away. Because besides being a fantasy, Instagram is also the last place to find it. Use your ads to attract valuable traffic. Also, use public lists in as many remarketing campaigns. The goal, in a broader sense, is to stimulate the first contact and start building a relationship of trust and brand recognition.

7. Take advantage of videos
The maximum duration of an advertising video on Instagram is 60 seconds. It also and above all, uses this parameter to build tailored public lists.
- How many people have seen your video?
- How many people have played half of it?
- How many have reached the bottom?
8. Use short texts
Use effective, short, and communicative texts. Is it difficult? However, on Instagram, the space dedicated to text is limited, and the priority – and the attention of the public – is always the image.
More tips here
Now over to you…
Are you doing Instagram advertising? Please share your success tips with our readers!