The cloud market keeps growing. It does so at a truly steady pace. We do see this when looking at cloud contact centers. According to a report by Forrester, the value of the global cloud market is around $236 billion. It should be quite normal that cloud technology would keep being used in contact centers.
When you use cloud-based call center software, you gain numerous interesting advantages for your business. The most important ones are highlighted below.

Improved Agent Versatility
When you buy cloud options for a call center, you automatically enable a much higher agent versatility. Everything that you buy is offered on an on-demand contract. This means that you can get the staff agents you need from any corner of the world. At the end of the day, you would be able to offer round the clock customer service, which automatically improves sales.
Basically, agents can work for different contact centers and can do this from practically any location. Brands get maximum efficiency and higher flexibility. The partnership is beneficial for everyone involved.
Increased Agent Efficiency
Besides greater versatility, the agent will be more efficient with the use of cloud solutions. Intuitive interfaces let him handle the customer data from various channels. Also, cases are resolved with much higher precision.
Countless modern features are nowadays included in cloud-based call center software, like IVR, prioritized callbacks, and ACD. All of these save time for the agent and increase overall work efficiency. Callers are always connected with those agents that are the most qualified. The result is an optimal customer experience.
Cloud technology is by definition scalable. It has an on-demand nature and can give you access to scalability whenever necessary. As a very simple experience, if the contact center ends up experiencing really large case volumes, much larger than normal (as during peak holiday seasons), you would need extra employees. Hiring them is very costly and you would not need their services after the demand is gone. With cloud contact center software solutions, this is a breeze.
Reduced Operation Costs
All cloud solutions are cost-efficient. This is because they significantly reduce upfront costs. You no longer have to invest in software and hardware to operate a call center or scale it. With hosted cloud solutions, upgrades are inexpensive. Contact centers become capable of lowering overall business costs and integrate cloud platforms much faster than expected. You can easily set up a payment model based on pay-as-you-go services.
Increased Security
The last advantage we should highlight is that cloud solutions are much more secure than what you would use in an in-house scenario. As an example, with the use of hybrid cloud solutions, brands can secure very sensitive data with the use of private cloud servers. Less sensitive data can then be stored on the public cloud server. This allows the business to save money and get higher security.
Keep in mind that outages can always occur due to countless unexpected disruptive events, like natural disasters. Cloud servers cannot go down and will always be accessible, as long as you have an internet connection.