3 Forms of Digital Marketing Every Business Needs to Use

Your business website is one of your company’s most valuable assets. It draws customers to your business and helps your company build trusting relationships with people in its target market.

However, you simply having a company website isn’t enough.

The internet is a crowded place, so to get your company noticed, you need to market your website and use it as a marketing tool. To do that, incorporate these three forms of digital marketing.

SEO marketing

SEO Marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO) marketing is a form of content marketing that makes the content your company creates more visible to search engines. It involves strategically placing the keywords your company wants to target into your blog posts, social media posts, meta data, on-page tags, and in specific areas of the web page itself.

Because SEO marketing involves extensive keyword research, content creation, and proper keyword usage and placement, many companies choose to hire a digital marketing agency to handle their SEO marketing. To handle basic SEO marketing tasks for your blog without outside help:

  • Place your main keyword in the first and last 50 words of the blog post.
  • Make sure your blog post has a 1 to 2 percent keyword density.
  • Include your main keyword in your blog posts meta data and tags.
  • Use secondary keywords naturally throughout your blog post.

Email marketing

Email Marketing

If you think email marketing is a thing of the past, you’re wrong. In fact, segmented and targeted emails can generate approximately 58 percent of a company’s digital marketing revenue — but the emails you send to your audience need to be personalized and intriguing.

Your company’s emails should always speak to the recipient by name and tell them an easily relatable story.

For example, if you want someone to purchase a specific product, you wouldn’t send an email that simply says, “Hey, this product is amazing!” Instead, you’d send an email that tells the reader a story highlighting a specific problem or pain point, and detail how the product resolved the issue.

Stories make it easier for customers to relate situations to problems or issues their own life. They make the customer feel as if you’re speaking directly to them, which helps your company build a trusting client-company relationship that results in consumers purchasing the products you recommend.

Social media marketing megaphone

Social Media Marketing

Billions of people use social media each day, making it one of the best marketing tools companies can use. Think of your social media platforms as a tool your company uses to tie all of its marketing efforts together. Use your social media accounts to:

  • Share your website’s new content with its followers
  • Attract new customers
  • Use live video features to speak directly to your target audience
  • Give your target audience an up-close look at how your company operates on a daily basis
  • Share deals and sales with your customers

You can even streamline your social media marketing efforts by using the platform’s advertising options to narrow the audience viewing your content. The more you narrow your target market, the better results you’ll see because you aren’t marketing to everyone who uses the social media platform — you’re only marketing to those who you already know would be interested in your products.

Digital marketing


The fact is, digital marketing is extremely important, especially if you want your website working for you 24 hours per day. So take the time to learn how to effectively use different forms of digital marketing to make your company more visible online, increase your customer engagement rates, and increase your profits.