Business Idea: Helping People to Fight Foreclosure

Foreclosure HomesIf you think nothing is recession-proof, think again.

“Thanks” to the recession there are some businesses that are thriving in today’s economy condition.

One of the business ideas that are successfully ride at the back of recession is businesses that are helping people to fight foreclosure.

Due to more and more people experiencing foreclosure today, those that can help homeowners to fight foreclosure will enjoy dramatic growth these days.

Great business ideas are always helping people to be better

In general, businesses that fill a need will always prosper. Businesses that help people to be better – financially, personally, and/or emotionally are THE business of today.

Foreclosure is devastating, and business that can help homeowners avoiding foreclosures will thrive.

Case study: Direct mailing business focusing on providing loan modification leads. is a leading mailing list broker that focusing on loan modification direct mail and leads generation.

They are nimble enough to capitalise the foreclosure market: Their loan modification leads are filled with homeowners who are in dire need for help on mortgage problems.

Inclusion in the leads could very well be a life-saver moment for homeowners facing foreclosures.

In the other hand, their loan modification leads target market that includes loan modification companies, loss mitigation companies, short sale companies, loan litigation companies, attorney based companies, real estate agents, mortgage brokers and loan officers – The leads are for their loan modification marketing campaign.

How to help people fighting foreclosure

There are numerous ways to help people fighting foreclosure. Here’s some ideas to entice you to fight foreclosure.

For us bloggers, the best way is to offer information we know on ways to minimise homeowners’ mortgage payments or how to have the right strategy to avoid foreclosure.

For entrepreneurs with adventurous mind, you can start Kiva-like business that connect lenders and borrowers (hence the term – crowdfinancing.)

For a more capitalistic approach :) you can start buy-and-rent-back business – buy houses and rent them back to homeowners with an option to reclaim their houses.

If you are online-minded (and capitalistic, as well), you can create a membership website that in exchange or a membership fee you can access wealth of information on foreclosures and how to quit foreclosures.

Ideas are everywhere, and transforming ideas into businesses can offer a win-win situation – In this case, a good business for entrepreneurs, and a remedy for homeowners facing foreclosure.

Ivan Widjaya
Foreclosure fighter
Image by respres.