There are much easier ways to find the information you need. One of my favorite methods of getting financial advice about available markets is through podcasts on my iPhone or iPad. Below I have listed and described my 4 favorite podcasts for new entrepreneurs. These podcasts vary. You can learn about existing startups, trends, and even get general ideas for your new business.
WSJ: Small Business Bulletin: This free podcast is hosted by Joe Connolly, who is a former WCBS news anchor. He was also a Press Secretary for Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd. His business reports are enthusiastic, entertaining, and can be really useful. He offers stories and observations based on small businesses around the world.
Harvard Business Review: IdeaCas: This weekly podcast shares analysis and advice through interviews of various successful managers and business owners. Some example topics covered in podcasts include: market failure, productivity secrets, great managers, and managing an increasing an organization’s energy.
Startup Nation: Richard Sloan and Troy Janisch host a variety of different podcasts (from Startup Nation Radio), which discuss issues related to start-ups. Richard Sloan is known as the chief “startupologist” and founder of Startup Nation. Janisch, the co-founder of the Startup Nation website and radio show, is the publisher of Business Owner’s Toolkit. The podcasts provide advice on how to grow your business and how to maintain it. Additionally, there is a podcast dealing with using technology solutions to keep your business efficient,
SmallBiz Brain: This is actually a radio channel, rather than a podcast, but it can help you learn from current successful small business leaders and experts. The host discusses current markets, principles and needs of small businesses, as well as events and issues that may harm/benefit these businesses. The podcast (recording portions) is hosted by David Wolfe, who used to work on music scores for various companies via Crywolf Productions.
About the author:
Mariana Ashley is a freelance writer who particularly enjoys writing about online colleges. She loves receiving reader feedback, which can be directed to mariana.ashley031
Image: thevoyager