In this Future of Publishing interview, host Murray Newlands interviews marketing expert Chris Brogan on how to make affective video content for social media…
Creating good video for social media
In days bygone, people used to actually believe what advertisers said. They were not naive people who did not think critically for themselves, but it was a lot easier to sell people things on TV and other media because the level of trust required to become a trust agent was a lot lower. Now, people really need to trust the person doing the selling when they are buying something online. This is especially true when they are in the middle of the sales process and haven’t yet decided which company’s product to buy.
Chris Brogan acknowledges using trust agent marketing as an effective way to get customers to trust you in his 2009 book. When people already want to buy a product but don’t who which company’s product to buy yet, they often do research and try to learn more about the ones they’ve narrowed down. This becomes increasingly true as the product’s cost increases, both in absolute dollar terms and relative to similar products.
Price relative to the purchaser’s wealth is important too, perhaps more important than absolute dollars. People are simply less willing to part with a lot of money if they don’t know enough about a product and don’t know that they’ll get their money’s worth.
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