If you’ve ever been around a pack of entrepreneurs, no doubt you’ve noticed the spark in their conversations and the tangible enthusiasm that surrounds them. They absolutely love what they’re doing and they’re convinced that they’re going to keep growing to greater heights and bigger achievements.
Chances are an encounter with such a group might leave you wondering if you could ever tap into that seemingly endless stream of energy, even though what you do for a living isn’t exactly what one would call “entrepreneurial.”
Well, you can. It doesn’t matter if you’re a software engineer, a blogger, a salesperson, a small business franchise owner or a stay-at-home parent making a living off the Internet – it’s not that difficult to create that same positive atmosphere in your own work environment.
Here are seven rules from the entrepreneur’s handbook that you need to follow:
- Find/rediscover your passion – Entrepreneurs wear their passion like clothing; it’s in everything they do or say. If you’re just going through the motions, you might end up doing okay but the secret to moving from “okay” to thriving is to do your work with motivation and passion. You’re doing what you’re doing for a reason. Go back and rediscover that excitement you felt when you first started on this path. Perhaps the day-to-day problems, debts and difficult customers have made you lose sight of it – dig deep and get a hold of what truly motivates you and don’t let go.
- Set WRITTEN daily/weekly/monthly goals – Sorry, you can’t escape this one. Setting reasonable goals for yourself and then writing them down is extremely important if you’re an entrepreneur. The very act of writing down a goal gives it life; you’re way more likely to reach it than if it never gets written down. No one ever said that you can’t revise your goals, in fact, it’s expected that they will change along the way.
- Create an atmosphere of positive – So much of what we see, hear and read is negative. Wallow in it enough, and it begins to affect your own thinking. Counteract the barrage of bad news with positive information. A great source of this can be found in books written by entrepreneurs themselves. Devices like the Kindle, the Nook and others make book-reading easier than ever before. Additionally, reduce the time you spend with overtly sour people as much as you can and avoid overdosing on the negative nightly news.
- Don’t ignore problems and debts – Ignoring negative is good; ignoring your problems and debts is not – they will not go away on their own no matter how many positive thoughts you’re thinking. Confront your problems head-on; look for ways to fix them and write down your plan. Be financially wise; take a good hard look at your expenditures and purchase only what you truly need.
- Energize your team – Every entrepreneur will tell you that they got where they did with the help and support of their teams. You’re not going to be able to reach all of your goals on your own; you will need a team. It may be only one other person or it may be hundred, but you will need them. Keep your team energized by developing goals together and giving praise for work done well. Listen when they have problems or ideas for doing something different, and never berate someone in front of the team.
- Learn to be flexible – There’s a saying that goes, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making plans.” Accept that you will encounter bumps along the way and look for ways to either eliminate them or adapt to them. You can find something positive in every challenge if you look hard enough.
- Don’t neglect your health – Work and life will take their toll on you both physically and emotionally. Although it’s normal to “cut loose” every so often, years upon years of bad habits and bad eating will eventually catch up with you. Entrepreneurs know that they’re going to be working long hours; they don’t use that as an excuse not to take care of themselves, and that goes for mental health as well. Have a little fun every once in a while – take in a movie or a show; visit a friend you haven’t seen in a while; take a drive in the country; work on that cross-stitch you began five years ago – find your special way to unplug and unwind for a few hours every week.
Follow these seven rules and see what happens in YOUR life!
About the Author: Christopher Wallace, VP of Sales and Marketing for Amsterdam Printing promotions, has more than 20 years experience in sales and marketing. At Amsterdam, a leading provider of custom pens, mugs, and other personalized items such as imprinted apparel and customized calendars, Christopher is focused on providing quality marketing materials to small, mid-size and large businesses.