Often times when I talk with business owners there is a great deal of curiosity surrounding how to put together an effective business blog. I have also observed that as a business owner starts down the digital path there is more often than not a very specific route that each business owner tends to follow where somehow they manage to “rediscover” this company called Google, which in turn serves to drive the bulk of their blogging strategy.
Don’t get me wrong. I like Google. I think they are a great company and I also believe that Google helps business owners realize a tremendous amount of value, but I also believe that an effective business blog needs to prioritize with a very heavy leaning towards the “human” experience.
Over the course of working with many extremely talented clients in a wide array of verticals, I have made a number of observations that are very specific to business blogging which in turn have led me to create this Inforgraphic – 10 Benefits of Business Blogging.
While the inforgraphic is by no means intended to be exhaustive, it should provide you with a very compelling primer from which you, as a business owner can effectively enter the space of business blogging.
About the Author: David Gadarian is the owner of Gadarian Digital – a digital marketing company catering to small businesses (typically 4 to 50 employees in size.) Gadarian has expertise in digital planning, web development & in delivering ongoing strategic services and he regularly blogs about issues related to how businesses can more effectively attain value from their digital communication efforts.