“How do I find the right SEO company?” This is one question that will keep on haunting your mind if you are looking to promote your website online.
So, what are the things that you need to keep in mind while selecting an SEO company and make sure that you get the best return on your investment? A formal knowledge is essential so that you could ask the right questions to your current or future SEO provider and get accurate answers for the same. The following points will make sure that you have enough knowledge before approaching your SEO.

#1: The Vision of the SEO Company
It is vital to know whether the vision of the company with which you are associated runs parallel with your own vision. No matter what you aim as far as the web traffic is concerned it is important that you know the foundation and the background of the company before giving a thumbs up.
#2: Are the projects being outsourced?
In order to increase their profit margins, there are many companies which resort to outsourcing the projects. This also helps them in cost-cutting as SEO requires a lot of expertise. You should be in touch with someone who is directly responsible for your project. Be inquisitive and keep asking questions like who is going to handle the project, which would be the direct point of communication etc.
#3: Number of Optimizers in the company
Search Engine Optimizers form the foundation of any SEO firm. More optimizers mean more expertise in the company as SEO is a huge science in itself. Most effective optimisation practices for your website would only be possible if there is plenty of expertise. So always make sure that you know the number of people working in an organisation.
#4: Are the projects managed efficiently?
As a business owner, it is important for you to know how much attention your project is going to get. It is your right to know how many hours are being invested on your project. You need to know whether they are handling too many projects at a time which affects the end results of your project. For your resources being invested, you should receive full attention and maximum results.
#5: Any chances of the website getting penalized?
Many websites have been a victim of this mishappening. There are many SEO companies out there which resort to unethical ways of SEO resulting to your website losing the rank, loss of visitors and could even put your website out of business excluding from major search engines.
#6: Is the company up-to-date will all the changes
Many a websites are being affected due to the constant change in search engine’s algorithms. You need to make sure that your SEO Company stays a step ahead and is not moved by all these changes. Are they having enough resources to test their strategy. They should also be holding regular staff meetings to discuss even the smallest of updates and come up with new tactics to help the clients.
#7: Are your competitors in their clientele?
There are a few SEO companies who would hide the truth to pick up a client. Before signing up for the services, you should always ask the provider if they are working with any of your competitors. If it is a reputable company, they will always be transparent about the same.
#8: How is the pricing for your project determined?
Are they providing a thorough report of their analysis based on your requirements and suggesting the right promotional campaign before determining the price ? A professional SEO company would calculate the estimated amount of hours and expertise to be implemented before quoting the rates for the same.
#9: Tracking of the success ratio
This depends on what your company’s main focus is. A corporal SEO company would keep a track of the success ratio depending on SERP rankings, organic non-branded traffic achieved and conversion rates.Many small SEO companies would only focus on first page rankings that they have achieved. So make sure you ask how your company what their goal is while starting your project.
#10: Staying in touch
Will you be getting regular updates on your campaign after start? An SEO company should be regularly in touch with you regarding the progress and also your approval on different SEO features. As a business owner, you should always feel that your project is getting the deserved attention. It should not be left out while your SEO Company is busy dealing with other client’s.
An efficient decision making process would ensure that you get in touch with the right SEO company for your online marketing campaign. A transparent process would always ensure that both the parties are functioning well with each other and there is no scope of dispute while the campaign is running.
A lot of SEO companies have no idea what they are working on and resort to get answers from third parties by outsourcing their work. A company with a defined vision and highly motivated individuals will only work for the betterment of your project.