The holiday season is now at its peak and any leverage you can get as a brand is essential at this stage of the year. If you want to give your sales an even greater boost and who doesn’t? We’ve a number of great power Twitter tips for you and your brand.

Christmas offers great potential to be visual nowadays and Twitter is facilitating imagery more than ever thanks to changes during the year. This means that you can really push your brand’s story with Twitter as visual tweets now shown by default, while other images and Vine are simple as pie to share. Add quotes and ensure the images create a visual method to really give your Christmas marketing a kick.
There are a number of ways to use Twitter to drive traffic to your store, whether it’s virtual or a bricks and mortar option. This can be done either of two ways.
- Add coupons to your ecommerce site and then tweet about it
- Add mobile optimised discounts to the microblogging site and use this to push people towards your store. These can be tracked with Christmas focused landing pages and also mobile enabled with a little time.
Christmas is the time to give, so show you care by helping out a charitable cause and informing your followers. Charities that work with your brand are a good option as they tend to work in line with your overall message. Your brand cares about the world around it and the industry you’re in – so show this with a charity drive.

Christmas Tips
Why not offer your followers some Christmas tips based around your brand. For example if you’re a food store, recipes work well. If you’re a stationery store, show them how to make their own amazing cards. If you’re a bar show them how to make a signature cocktail. Position these guides on your blog and then tweet about the post. Solve problems for them, provide them with value and entertain them and you’ll drive traffic.
Don’t forget the Hashtags
Use popular Christmas hashtags to pull in those random customers looking for one thing or another. Hashtags such as #stockingfillers or #happychristmas can pull in the punters on-site and really help you get found.
Be Personal
Christmas is the time to get in touch with people and you should connect by showing your own personal side – soemthing we often tell our clients at When creating tweets show your businesses human site by using terms such as ‘us’, ‘you’ or ‘we’. In addition, photos of your shop or business and staff also tend to create a positive appeal – so crack out those reindeer hats.
Customer Service
If you’re a consumer company that sells goods you’ll find that there maybe an increase in the need for customer service at Christmas. This is down to the increase in people getting new goods. Being prepared for an upsurge of calls will make things a lot easier.
- Have people monitoring twitter for issues
- Add contact details to the site
- Place images of employees as this tends to make things more personal
- Include information on store hours and other queries.
Add RT
One of the simplest ways to increase shares is to add RT in front of the message. People tend to be keener to retweet if someone has done before – 12 times more likely in fact. So, for anything you wish shared add this RT at the beginning of the post. It’s a great way to get your competitions and discounts out there.
So, as is clear to see it’s far from too late to really up the ante and push your marketing game to the fore. Use some of these tips and you should see increasing success with your merry Christmas marketing efforts.