We’re living in a world where quick and free information is just a few clicks away. Although this seems to be a good thing, the problem arises when you want to interpret the vast amount of data available all around you.
A lot of your readers will actively bookmark articles or email the links to themselves simply because it is all too overwhelming to tackle at once.
If you have your own website, you need to understand that people are looking for a quicker way to grasp information. Text just doesn’t work sometimes – it’s too dense and boring to read on its own.
So what do you do? Try infographics.
An infographic makes it easy to share complex ideas and bring them forth in an engaging and interesting manner. It could be in addition to text on your blog, or standalone piece of graphic that explains boring concepts smartly.
Most humans can quickly recall information presented in a visual format, therefore making infographics a key ingredient for your blog.
Here’s a great example that explains it all and more using a few words: Infographic about infographics.
So without further adieu, here are 7 killer tips to create your own infographics:
1. Make a Plan
Before starting, get clear on the purpose of your infographic. Is it to simplify a difficult concept, share tedious stats or raise awareness? Make a note of all good reasons you should create this infographic.
Once you’re clear on your goal, slowly figure out the process. For starters, are you going to use a template?
There are many websites that allow you to download templates and create beautiful infographics for free. One cool free tool that you can use is EWC Presenter.
2. Add Value First, Aesthetics Later
Don’t just create an infographic because everyone else in your industry is doing it. Instead, do your research first and compile data that you’re going to share.
Creating a good infographic is a lot like creating a good film. You want to do your research from a variety of sources as you visualize what your message is going to be. The best way to start is by playing with the data you have and see how it flows together. Don’t think too much about the “looks” before you have valuable data to share.
Designers get carried away with designing the most beautiful looking visual with little substance or value to share. Don’t be one of them!
When confused, a good question to ask is “Would I share this infographic if I were the reader?” If you answer yes, chances are others interested in the subject-matter will also do so.
3. Tell a Story
An appealing infographic tells a story that is bold and flows well. It uses figures instead of tables and graphs that are uninspiring.
Before anything, find out if you have an angle and if it’s is worth telling. Just as in a movie, your infographic should have a main character to root for. Your “hero” could be the concept you’re trying to explain or raising awareness.
A good story will have a beginning, the middle and an end. Try doing this with your infographic by putting a point forward, proving or backing your point with substantial data and concluding at the end.
Moreover, try to share something that is unique. That does not mean you try to find a concept which has never been explained by means of a graphic, but to put your own unique spin on it.
4. Be a Great Designer
…Or find one. If your readers only crave excel sheets and data charts, well, you’re lucky because that doesn’t take time and special skills to create. You can use a WordPress tables plugin to create one easily.
But your reader is craving for more. Something that’s easy to share and makes them look smart for sharing it.
If it’s a boring table, do you think they’d ever hit the Tweet button? Hardly.
That said, you don’t have to dig a deep hole in your pocket to create infographics. There are free services that let you create decent
5. Use Color Therapy
Color is one of the most important aspects. The human brain processes color almost instantly in 250 milliseconds. So you want to make sure your color palette is catchy to keep them hooked.

The general thumb rule for infographics design is to use a light color (but not white!) as the background while staying away from dark and neon shades.
As per Smashing Magazine, it’s better to stick with three primary colors, with the lighter one used in background and two darker ones to break up the sections.
6. Ask for Feedback
It’s always a good idea to show your finalized version to others before you publish your infographic on the Internet.
Show your work to several people and look for clues. Are the colors too much to handle? Is the infographic sharable? Is it interesting? Attractive?
Once the feedback is in, analyze the results and implement changes.
7. Make it Easy to Share
Remember, creating a cool infographic and making it viral are two entirely different things. Find industry experts in your field of interest and ask for their opinion and ideas. Submit it to other sites that publish infographics generously, and reach out to other bloggers to share your work.
Alternatively, you can write up a post accompanying your infographic and send it to sites that accept guest posts. It takes effort, but it’s going to be time well spent.
When you post it on your site, don’t forget to add the embed code along with social media buttons that makes it easy to share.
You can also write a press release and submit it to free or paid websites.
Apply the tips above and you’re ready to make a great infographic. Let us know how you go with your first one!
About the Author: Pooja Lohana is a freelance writer and editor. She writes for EWC Presenter, a free app that lets you create awesome HTML5 infographics, demos, animations and more for your website for free. Learn more about Pooja here.