The Cloud is well and truly taking the retail sphere by storm as typical cash registers fast become a thing of the past. With this development in mind, choosing the right point of sale system can be the flourishing or finishing point for any salesperson. Considering your unique purposes, choosing the best from the rest can be tricky with 247 cloud-based POS options (according to Capterra) now out there which all seem to have similar features.
TOP Ranked POS
Many have been attempting to stick their necks out in this market, but for POS systems, it’s just not easy to create niche ideas that last more than a week without being copied by competitors. Saying this, Loyverse POS began less than a year ago and has already shimmied its way to the top of the ‘point of sale’ list. (see for yourself:
You’re about to see why!
Since the first “Incorruptible Cashier” POS created way back in 1879, there have been two major purchasing points for point of sales. The first is operation and functionality, and the second, with the small business owner running on a tight loan budget often punished by an expensive initial cash register splash out, is price. In a sentence, Loyverse Free POS resolves these two issues with its intuitive user interface and costless nature.
It’s free
From the moment it kicked off in December 2015, many questioned it’s free nature, which stood out dramatically from the majority of other monthly-pay based POS systems. They were left astounded by the response. Is it truly just that small business owners in the developed world have unabated access to necessary business tools when developing world sme’s are left to count on their fingers, or use pen and paper? Through their international free POS launch, the Loyverse team sought actively to bridge that gap.
What some may call a business project turned into a heart warming journey as users in all regions of the world began sharing their entrepreneurial stories on Loyverse’s E3A blog, revealing how Loyverse POS’ free nature and round the clock (and thus round the world) support team had been an invaluable tool (literally) for their development as people and SME owners.

Loyverse are now taking this business philosophy to another level by creating the Give First Initiative (, a platform for anyone in any field with the same mindset of giving first to collaborate and connect.
An International Outlook
A universal point of sale was the team at Loyverse office’s dream as they saw the majority of quality POS software providers only offer their services within their specific region- the majority being found in the US and in Europe. Bucking the trend, Loyverse now offers their app in 17 languages. Perhaps more amazing than this feat, is the method by which it was carried out- solely translated by their users who happily volunteered as they shared in the same spirit Loyverse provided to them.
With the global battle between Apple and Samsung obvious to see in any public place, naturally Loyverse runs it’s POS app for android and iOS systems, targeting small stores such as cafés, salons, restaurants and food trucks with features as good as you’ll get such as inventory & employee management and sales analytics found in the owner’s back-office.
Customer Loyalty
To bring this blog to a close, let’s return to the origin and consider why Loyverse first decided on it’s name. Loyverse is composed of the words Loyalty and Universe. Designed as a platform for shop owners to retain customers through loyalty, those in the so-called ‘Loyal Universe’ offices created the co-existing app “Loyalty Ocean”. Through this unique supporting app collab, shop owners have been building their core customer base by implementing a variety of functions, such as point rewards and feedback to go hand in hand with a shop owner’s natural retention inclination.