Top 3 Reasons to Develop Your Personal Brand Today

The social networking platforms and online resources we have today make developing a strong online presence easier to do. Brands and corporations are taking advantage of these new resources to connect with their target customers and create the perfect opportunity to engage users directly. Developing a strong online presence is even something small and local businesses are doing today, knowing that more than 80% of customers are using the internet to find the products and services they need.

Branding and developing a strong online presence are not only important for businesses, but also important for individuals. The seemingly mundane Facebook posts you upload several times a day form your online image. The same can be said for posts on other social networking sites.

Personal branding

Whether you are a small business owner, a professional in a particular industry, or an employee with a full time job, there are reasons why developing a strong personal brand online is important and beneficial.

A Push Forward

Productive use of social media and blogging platforms can lead to many great opportunities. Let’s say you’re working a full time job as a marketing executive, but you have always aspired to start your own marketing firm. Regularly sharing insights from the industry, posting valuable content on marketing tips and tricks, and engaging the audience who ask questions or provide more insights on the topics you’re discussing will help you gain online credibility while developing a strong online presence.

The next time you want to apply for a higher position in another company and the hiring manager Google’s your name, you will already have a strong online presence that really shows off your skills and expertise. All of the positive posts and high user engagement you invested in will play an important role in getting you access to the right opportunities.

For business owners and entrepreneurs, the same approach can also be used to connect better with customers and potential customers. People love hearing behind-the-scenes stories, especially stories coming from an aspiring entrepreneur. Take the audience on a journey as you work your way to success. The rest will fall into place automatically now that you have a strong online presence to back you up.

A Better Network

Social media also gives you that unique ability to talk to industry experts, top influencers, and experts in various fields directly. It is much easier to build relationships with these key figures when you have a strong online presence of your own, which is why starting early and taking the time to develop your own social media presence is important.

You don’t need to spam influencers with comments or ask for their response; in fact, this is the worst thing you can do on social media. Instead, add value to existing discussions and take the time to leave valuable comments that other readers – followers of industry experts – will also find valuable. You’re growing your own audience while connecting with some of the biggest names in the industry this way.

Finding business opportunities

More Opportunities to Explore

Having a strong online presence will also lead to more opportunities to explore. According to Sam Ovens, a successful entrepreneur with a knack of harnessing the power of social media, a strong online presence enabled him access to new opportunities he never thought he could.

“If people know and trust you and your personal brand, they’re more likely to trust your new business,” Ovens, said.

Aside from business opportunities, the valuable content you share on a regular basis will also get you invited to seminars and may even land you consulting jobs. There is a world of opportunities to explore out there, and your adventure starts with developing a strong online presence that really shows the real you and your skills.