5 Workplace Discrimination Charges That You Should Know About

While the world is moving forward, evils like workplace discrimination just refuse to go away.

A total of 84,254 workplace discrimination charges were filed in the US alone in 2017. Disappointing, right? Well, more terrible is the fact that this resulted in $398 million for the victims. A serious cause of some major losses.

Sad but true, this can happen with anyone of us. And what can we do?

Workplace discrimination

The best bet is to spread awareness. One major problem with work related harassment is that victims aren’t generally sure if they’ve been harassed.

To make sure that doesn’t happen, we are mentioning 5 workplace discrimination charges which everyone should know about.

5 most common Workplace Discrimination charges

As workplace discrimination disturbs its victims both mentally and socially, it needs to be taken care of.

Go through these 5 common workplace discrimination charges. This will help ensure that the next time you come across any such case, you can take a stand.

1. Age discrimination

Just as the name suggests. It’s when you are discriminated at work due to your age.

As it has to be, the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) protects individuals over 40 years of age. However, it is still persistent and needs to be eradicated; the law is quite useful.

Need an example? Here’s one.

EEOC charged Harold Washington College with age discrimination. They refused to hire a 66-year-old adjunct professor for a full-time position. Although she met the qualifications and was highly recommended by full-time faculty members of the institution, she was not selected. In her place a younger and less experienced individual got the job.

The hiring team in the example above didn’t want to select an older professor. Whatever reasons they’ve had for such specific interests, law cracked their plan.

2. Disability discrimination

Another way which co-workers in an organisation can discriminate against an individual is due to his/her disability.

It might come off as a surprise to the empathetic lot, 1 in 3 employers say that they do not hire people with disabilities. You see what this indicates?

Disability discrimination is a real thing and disabled employees in most organisations have to deal with the same. If you ever come across any such case, immediately report to the authorities.

Angry boss discriminating employee

3. National origin discrimination

Next in the list of 5 workplace discrimination charges is the one concerning national origin.

You might have seen people discriminate others on the basis of their national origin. The general reason of this common conflict can be the shortage of career opportunities for the natives.

If you or anyone you know has been a victim of such discrimination, report the case to the authorities at your workplace and bring this in the notice of law. If the conditions worsen, you can also get in touch with Mcnicholas Law Firm.

They are experts in dealing with cases concerning workplace discrimination.

4. Religious discrimination

Another form of workplace discrimination is religion based. Even the most secular and liberal countries of the world face religion based discrimination. Sad, right?

If you fall to deal with it, your best bet is to inform the authorities and move ahead with the right law firm.

5. Gender based discrimination

No matter how much we talk about equality, from place to place and time to time, gender inequality will keep coming up. People, just refuse to be done with it, don’t they?

While, dealing with it would be exasperating, what you can do is be aware and report the problem as soon as it occurs.

Moving further, we hope this post helps you understand the most common workplace discrimination charges. If it was useful, then share it with your friends who might need such help.