My Latest Projects: Web Creation Services and Blog Network

I have to apologise that I can’t keep up with the frequency of my posting…

Lazy, me.

Just kidding :) On contrary, I have been busy working on a couple of projects that I want to share with you, with a hope that I will get some feedback and suggestions.

I also hope that I can inspire you make money online is very much possible – at least to the level that it can pays your bills.

So, let us begin, shall we?

Project #1: My Web Estate – Web Creation Services

I started a small project back in December 2008 –, a web creation service provider. The project idea itself is simple – I (along with my outsourcing team) create websites, especially blogs, either for sale in marketplaces or for clients.

This IS trend – I can feel and see with my own eyes that freelancers out there are riding the wave of website (mainly blog) creation services. Even big internet marketing company, such as Majon International, is starting to offer blog creation service.

Why I give you this sort-of-insider tips? I don’t feel that by sharing this I will blew my chance in make money through web creation services. The competition IS and WILL ALWAYS be present, as this is HOT today.

Why blog/web creation services is different to the traditional web design services?

In my opinion, they are not much different, except with more and more highly customisable premium themes for push-button blogging (with self-hosted WordPress, that is), such as Elegant Themes and WooThemes, has made creating blogs (and websites) for clients is more and more accessible to the not-so-skilled web designer and programmer.

So far, as a noobpreneur, I learn that the key in this business is niche selection and affordable pricing.

How much should you offer your services? I offer mine starting from $50 to $the-sky-is-the-limit :D I can give you as simple as simple blog set up to allow you settle into blogging ASAP, to a complex custom theme creation and blog/site promotion that can help you claw your way into the Net and blogosphere faster.

So yes, I offer you web creation, SEO and link building :)

Just like other businesses, you need to set apart why you are different. In case, I am a blogger, website owner, and web property investor – so I know what appeals me :) I just offer my clients just that – my experience and expertise.

As a more feature, does offer websites and blogs for sale – feel free to browse my Portfolio section.

Project #2: Finance and Business Blog Network

This project looks good in my business plan, and I will commence this project highly probably within the next 2 or 3 weeks ahead.

The idea is simple, instead of creating a series of mediocre blog, I plan to start 10 business and finance blogs that are all professionally designed and managed – consider this as a tiny version of Jeremy Wright’s B5media that has a network of 300+ blogs with 200+ bloggers (ouch!).

The article writing itself is done with my partners – so yes, I outsource article writing. I act as an editor, and will make changes here and there.

I can’t explain too much, not that this project is confidential, but I’m still in planning stages at this point… I will post an update for this, though :)

The key in this project is to create REAL blogs that will benefit site visitors, as well as building a valuable business asset (yes, blogging can be THE REAL small business, online!) and making money online through the blog network advertising (surprise, surprise!)

Are you interested in the business ideas?

If the business ideas intrigue you, I am highly interested to work with you, either as partners or clients :)

So, should you have any questions (even probing questions here and there :D) feel free to do so through Contact or by commenting on this post.

Good day to you!

Ivan Widjaya
Projects spoiler
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