In any business endeavour you have today, you must understand one thing – Laser-targeting your potential clients means big business. If you are into online business, I have something I strongly recommend to you.
In many articles I have written on Noobpreneur.com, I always indicate that make money online / online business is the way to go today. Here in this article, I strongly suggest you once more to explore what the Internet can offer you.
Even if you run an established and successful small business off line, I still highly recommend you to enter the online world. Why? Because the opportunities are there. Period.
For you who look for ways to make money online or establish a legitimate business presence online, either for side income or full-time income – congratulations! You have taken a brave step to change things for your business and personal financial endeavours.
Unfortunately, things done online occasionally (or often?) go wrong. You might have already realised that although the concept of making money online seems simple, making real money out of it is a real challenge.
That’s why 90% of people trying to make money online fails, and many of the 10% are struggling to create revenue and make money online – Well, maybe not entirely, but some do lose hope and give up, some invest top dollars for nothing, and some just too afraid of trying anything.
Why 90% people fail in making money online / online business
In general, people fail for two reasons:
- They buy e-books, e-courses and other online resources, but they don’t implement what they have read and learned.
- They work hard establishing their online business, but they are doing things wrong or following the wrong advice from the wrong “experts.”
My suggestion to you: Keep on learning new things, keep on trying new things, and – the most important of all – be proactive and start following the right advice.
I do have a resource to recommend you
I just purchased an eBook called “Zero Cost Profits” written by Matt Benwell.
I do know the reputation of the Benwell brothers – Matt and Rob – although they are often being ‘attacked’ by some people, calling them ‘non-fundamental’ and even ‘scammers’, they are very popular for giving working, practical and legitimate ways to establish an online business empire and make considerable money online.
I do learn a lot from their eBook courses (I purchased Blogging to The Bank by Matt’s brother, Rob Benwell, quite some time ago, and it was also a great resource that helped me establish my web properties.)
Now let’s get back to “Zero Cost Profits.”
I buy the eBook for $47 and I must say I am very sure I will get my ROI in no time. The eBook or eCourse is talking about how to profits from the Internet with nothing down, except your time and willingness to try new, smarter, ways to make money online and establish your online business.
It’s all about micro niche.
In essence, a micro niche is a niche that is receiving not-too-many searches from the search engines but could be very profitable if it is dominated. The micro niche should also be small enough for you to dominate. By dominate, I mean rank your sites in most of the top 10 position in search engine result pages (the page that is shown immediately when you search for something from Google.)
By sites, it doesn’t have to be an expensive-to-set-up sites – The eBook is actually suggesting you to use Squidoo, WordPress.com and other free network to set up your web presence – all free of charge, but full of potential.
What I enjoy about the eBook is the fact that it shows you the exact steps to start dominating a micro niche of your choice, starting from how to find the ‘ultimate’ micro niches and how to rank well in search engines so that your sites will be visited by plenty of eager-to-buy people.
The best thing is, like what’s claimed in the eBook, from start to finish you are not required to spend any money on anything (well, except for the $47 to buy the eBook) – Micro niche searches are done with free tools and the actual sites are created on free site networks.
So, yes – If you like high return on your investment (like me!) this eBook will be a very useful tool to get you started.
I am doing what’s taught by Matt Benwell in his eBook right now, and I have high hopes that I can do more with micro niches and establish a micro-niche online business empire. Why don’t you give it a shot?
Ivan Widjaya
I’m on my way to dominate micro niches
Image by meddygarnet.