Small Business Ideas That Make Entrepreneurship Possible for Everyone
Building a business no longer classifies as a distant dream. With plenty of small business ideas available online, great books that help you launch your 100 Dollar Startup, advice and experiences of others who’ve been there, done that, entrepreneurship is not impossible for everyone. It’s not the sole preserve of those in the big league and people with big budgets, it is possible for everyone.
Here are some small business ideas I came across that inspired me…
A Website for Pickles
We Indians love our pickles and savories with our meals and traditionally everyone made pickles at home. Summer was a time mothers and grandmothers across India washed and sun dried mangoes, fruits and vegetables, pounded spices and pickled them in sugar, salt, oil, spices and herbs. The bottled sweet and sour goodies were allowed to soak in their own juices for months before they were opened and consumed. Even today, people swear by their “Mom’s pickle”!
But in time life has changed and many people don’t have the time to make pickles at home. For all those who yearn for the taste of homemade pickle, an e-commerce website catering to just pickles seemed like such a boon…check out…http://www.goosebumpspickles.com/.
Car Washing Service
On a visit to the mall a month ago we were greeted by an attendant who told us that there was a car wash facility available and we could avail of the service while we shopped and our car would be ready by the time we finished our shopping spree.
What a simple idea and a great positioning tactic I thought! Most people visiting the mall in cars would come along in cars and if they could get their cars washed while shopping they wouldn’t have to leave their car behind some place and do without it when they need it.
Brands with Wheels
The thing about getting your foot in the door in the competitive world of business is being able to make things convenient for other people. Adding wheels to your products or services will help you serve customers better and help you cut down costs relating to renting space and hiring sales staff.
From door step delivery of groceries, vegetables, flowers, salads, poultry and fish to yoga instructors who will come to your home the options that you can draw inspiration from are many. All you have to do is put on your thinking cap.